unfortunately better than every harvest moon game

i like to make the little men fight

the building mechanics, while technically impressive, are completely irrelevant to botw's shortcomings. ultimately this game did nothing to actually improve on its predecessor, and it's worse in many ways. the boss combat design took a huge blow. the dungeons are somehow even worse and even smaller (this water temple ranks as one of the worst dungeons in the entire franchise). the world is messier, less coherent, and less fun to explore. the sky islands are tiny, the depths are empty, the story is held back by the same inane memory system that-- surprise-- sucks this time, too. one letdown after another. deeply formulaic, padded, and predictable. botw was magic, and this game buried that magic

driving the cars IS fun though.

the best metroid prime game. it trims the fat of the first game and improves by leagues on the action. areas are unique and atmospheric, bosses are mostly good with some standout encounters. incredible

chapters that fall woefully short of their potential; metric tons of dull, repetitive busywork; empty, boring areas made up of rectangular corridors and do-nothing dungeons

carried in its entirety by wonderful characters, engaging combat, and boatloads of charm.

surpasses the original game in some ways, falls WAY short in others. at the end of the day it's a lot of fun, but it could've been even better if they'd hired a single level designer or cut down on the time-wasters

slow-paced but delightful. i like the interconnectivity of the levels, i like how the isle of hags feels more like a real place, i like how many characters you meet and how much more alive it feels than the first game, i like how varied and unique the levels feel

one of the best stealth games ever made

i don't like kojima, and i don't like metal gear, so i love this game

surprised me a lot initially and it's only continued to improve. impressive achievement on a lot of levels

my favorite animal crossing. outdoors decoration adds so much. i just wish they did something about durability

an extensive, ridiculously-polished reimagining of a classic game to bring it up to the very high standards of new-era resident evil. essential

mihoyo's got some kind of special sauce, man. they're good at this

desperately loses its footing in the final act; eveline simply is not scary and sucks all the tension out of any scene she's in. up to that point, though? gold

the weakest of the trilogy, easily. lots of running around the same paths over and over doing the same jumps and rolling around the same tunnels. extremely lame bosses. but even the weakest metroid prime is still a gem.

this game is so bad it made me depressed

this game was so bad it forced my younger self to develop a critical framework for evaluating games so that i could understand that i dislike it