Being a fan of both classic TR and the reboot series, this game left me very conflicted. I think Eidos did a better job at giving us a "true" Tomb Raider experience than CD, focusing less in combat and more in exploration, platforming and puzzles. that's great. however, i found the story to be weak and considerably worse that the first two in the trilogy. the game starts really strong but there are lots of problems along the way and some design choices really hurt the narrative. I'm so tired of these RPG elements and AAA tropes being in almost every story-driven singleplayer game nowadays, for no reason other than having more "content". it does not make things better and harms the dynamic and pacing of the story SO MUCH, it's a real shame. upgrades, skill trees, hub worlds and side quests don't belong in a tomb raider game. i'm totally okay with TR not being that mainstream anymore tbh, we don't need all that stuff.

Back to the story, apart from some stale moments the plot is still interesting and engaging, until it becomes really disappointing and predictable after they killed off an important character middle of the game, it makes no sense and the ending is weaker because of it. and don't get me started about the white savior stuff because yeah, that happens. the villain was ok with a cool final fight, but the end could have been so much more satisfying. i still don't know what Jonah is doing in these games, his solely reason to exist is that Lara can have a friend. he has zero character. I recognise the effort to make him a bit more of a character this time but it ended up being too superficial. remember Sam from the first game? yeah, she was nice.

Now that this trilogy is over I hope we can have a bolder tomb raider game in the near future that isn't so concerned about telling the origin story of Lara Croft because, really, we never needed that.

Borderlands 3 was very fun and gameplay gets a lot better with needed new features, design wise it's a big upgrade in the series, although there are some really bad boss fights. The story however is a lot worse than BL2, and that's really disappointing. The twins were terrible antagonists and annoying as fuck, important characters die for no reason but shock value. The writing is so obsessed with memes and pop culture that it's quite ridiculous sometimes.

it's just fanservice bullshit. if you need a reminder of why prequels usually suck, this game is a good example

My first game played on the Switch, it had to be this one and didn't disappoint. 3D Mario brings me so much good memories from Super Mario Sunshine, which I absolutely loved as a child. I always loved the style and creativity that these games have. Super Mario Odyssey looks absolutely gorgeous and is joy to play, all the kingdoms are fun and unique. New Donk City rules tho.

The new mechanic is trademark Nintendo, simple but functional. It adds so much variety to gameplay and some of the creatures you can capture could easily have each a game of their own.

Nintendo did it again.

As a big Star Wars fan I really loved this game and am so happy that it's doing well. It definitely has some flaws and technical issues but I think it delivered where it mattered the most. Combat is good with a decent variety of attacks and force powers, plus a great variety of enemies. I'm glad that Respawn wasn't afraid to go weird with SW and got to really explore the universe. The level design and narrative were quite interesting too. I find it funny that it's basically the same story as The Last Jedi but we won't be seeing a lot of people complaining about it. I must say that I'm also forever grateful for this game basically giving me gender swapped Kylo Ren. Thank you so much.

Who would've thought that EA was wrong about singleplayer games? Excited for the future.

I had a lot of fun playing it with some friends, although the puzzles and weird mechanics are very frustrating at parts. Some interesting level design and fun to explore as well.

So... this was my first Kojima game (I dropped MGSV but intend to go back someday) and probably the weirder experience I've ever had as a gamer, which I kinda expected knowing his reputation. The beginning was really rough for me, like it was so bizarre and overwhelming that it took two or three weeks for me to start enjoying the game. And the main reason for that was the gameplay. It's incredible how a concept as simple as delivering packages can be so fun, immersive and diverse. The terrain is always an obstacle and you can really feel the hard work it is to make every single step until your final destination. It becomes very addictive to use the many options between equipment, weapons and structures, which you gradually unlock until the end of the game, keeping the gameplay fresh.

The plot, however, is a mess and tries too much. I'm convinced that Kojima doesn't really know how to write well, but tricks people into thinking he is a genius (which he is, but for other reasons) over his comically convoluted plot. Most of the characters talk like robots and don't show any emotion at all (besides crying sometimes), the cutscenes are so fucking long oh my god. I didn't care about anything, and that's a shame considering the amazing cast. I appreciate how Kojima is more interested in the concept of ideas than anything else, but if you use your characters only as means to tell a metaphor, then the story becomes empty.

In conclusion, amazing gameplay, design and a bold concept developed really well, but terrible plot, story and characters. Kojima definitely has his style.


Starts with a promising premise but the story goes completely downhill. Boring, confusing and cliché, I'm not even interested to see the different endings etc. Erica is very cute tho

fun and charming for like 5 minutes but then it becomes really irritating

well written and engaging batman fanfiction, i just wish telltale (which is getting revived) would change their formula a bit and make something more innovative with interactive stories


i didn't have the chance to play it but it's still an amazing experience to watch. we were robbed of a masterpiece


I'm just a bitch for immersive sims and arkane delivered again. I'm happy.

ps: the nightmare is so fucking annoying, fuck him

this game is fucking amazing, holy sheet. i don't have anything negative to say about it, one of the best experiences ive ever had. music, story, art, level design, sound design, the atmosphere... everything combines to create a perfect experience. completely blown away. so many cute bugs, and hornet steals the show, her fights were so much fun. boss fights are hard but very rewarding once you overcome them. MASTERPIECE.

can't wait to explore more and discover all the hidden secrets in this world. metroidvania peaked here, it doesn't get any better than this. GIT GUD

Bald man kills people. A casual but hard to master and really fun game that doesn't take itself too seriously, there is barely any story to follow here. Emergent narrative is something I will always cherish in video game design, and maybe Hitman 2016 could be called an immersive sim-like (oh god) since it allows so much player expression and different approaches to the main objectives.
Goofy, sometimes ridiculous, but awesome.