really liked it. only problem was that i couldn't see shit. at all. had to play in the dark. i didn't turn up the brightness because, when i turned it up enough to be able to fucking see, the places with good lightning looked like god wanted to talk w/ ethan personally. kind of infuriating, but otherwise it was fun. i really liked the house and it was the first game from the re saga that got me really scared (as of right now, i've played re 1 through 7) n that surprises me a bit. yeah.

conclusion: recommended.

really liked it. stories are coherent with the exception of leon's. why does he have to go to the weird ass tower.... yeah thats it

muy entretenido!!! no dio miedo pero la pasé bien q es lo importante. el menú (? lo q aparece cuando abres el juego) es lo más cool y perturbante que he visto en un juego dios mío

yknow in re2 i didn't quite get the hype abt leon, but now i do. hell yeah i do. veeeery nice shotgun. i looooove riot gun i loveitiloveitiloveit

did dlc. very good, but didn't like sawed off shotgun. i like them more precise.

really liked the graphics n all. good guns, and ugly ass enemies so yeah

really good. camera was hard to get used to but i'd say that's it. very entertaining. played on ps5

no me gustó tanto. no sé por qué pero terminé terminandomelo por obligación. lo terminé encontrando terrible fome tristemente

muy buen juego me gustó mucho y me la pasé muy bien!! exactamente el tipo de juego q me encanta

muy cortito :( me gustó muchooooo aunque hubierobn varies veces en las que se me acabaron las balas, pero el mine launcher salva harto jskjfks