It’s FF7 bro, it’s one of the most influential games on people born in the 80s and 90s. If you don’t know about this game then enjoy climbing out of your cave and using microwaves and cell phones for the first time too after you beat FF7 bc you must have been frozen for the last 2,000 years.

Perfect game, nothing to say about it besides play it and imagine it’s 1998 again and have your mind blown like we did back then.

Honestly the main game is insane and so good but the DLC for this game is still to me the standard for a DLC because it is incredible. Worth putting all the hours in to get thru it all

A typical buggy broken Bethesda mess but the story and writing is so strong that it’s still a great experience, the way you can side with or against all of the different factions is sick as hell and if you enjoy the typical Bethesda gameplay loop then this is one of the best of them all

It’s bloodborne baby, it’s amazing, it’s perfect. Why haven’t you played it yet?

I don’t even know where to begin with this game, Yoko Taro’s original masterpiece. The gameplay is definitely not as good as the story but it’s fine. But once you get to the end of the game, you will have felt every emotion and will be all the better for it

If this was 2011, this would have gotten a 5 but now looking back, I see a lot of issues with this game but it still is fun and I would always recommend it for someone looking for a simple RPG

Not really a remake but all of the moments you know and love are here in someway from the first part of FF7. The graphics are incredible but absolutely loathe the slow walk through a tight alley disguising a loading screen. But other than that, the combat and story are interesting enough and the voice work is great too. If you liked FF7, play it but don’t expect a 1:1 remake

Gacha breath of the wild, there is nothing original here but the gameplay is a solid rip off of Zelda’s and the elemental fighting system is pretty cool. Not bad for a free to play game

Yoko Taro is the GOAT and having Platinum develop the combat for this game is truly one of the best collabs of all time. Play every ending and cry yourself to sleep afterwards

Amazing game, the copy and paste bosses do get somewhat boring after a bit but there’s so many amazing fights that it doesn’t bother me. Love everything about it

A formative game for me, you don’t understand if you weren’t there in 1996 tbh, this shit was crazy at the time and it still is fun to play. My favorite 3D Mario game by far

Easy combat, boring ass side quests but the boss fights are hype as fuck and as a former FFXIV player, i appreciate all the shout outs to jobs from that game. Graphics and music are also good

You are a cyborg ninja with a sword that can cut thru anything and you can chop off thousands of limbs, what more do you need to know?

It’s a perfect game made by a perfect team in a trilogy of perfect games. Everything about this game rules. Play it now