Vanilla ice cream the fighting game

silver haired twink kills demons but slightly less cooler than the previous game

silly little demon game me like

i just don’t see the hype behind this game.

After about 30 hours of exploring and 2 temples, i got burnt out and didn’t feel like playing a game where exploring is more fun than the actual main objective.

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top tier gaslighting

Likely one of the most overrated games ever made. The game was aesthetically pleasing and fun to adventure but holy fuck the dungeons age so fucking lame and unfun. By Zelda standards this game is like is defo a 6/10 at best.

I’ve never been to Boston, but i’m sure it’s just like how the game depicts it.

atmosphere in this game is unmatched but the story sucks balls and the gameplay aged like milk

What more can even said about this masterpiece?