Seems like everybody was disappointed by this game after playing the first one. Personally, I played Tooie first, and even after playing both games, I think Tooie is way better. Both are great tho. This game has so much charm

Played the demo and was blown asunder.
Can't wait to play full version.

Zane rocks. All I gotta say...

Great sequel building on a great game. Dr. Mario. You smell me?

Movement in this game feels amazing, and there's so much content that it feels I could play it forever and keep unlocking new stuff.

Lovely :)

It has lots of emotional story sequences that hit really hard especially if you've played Fable 1. Your character's appearance can vary a lot more in this one (I played as an evil fat magic pirate) and you can do way more social actions, and those two features kept me crazily invested in this game as a 12 year old. Overall just a really really good improvement on all the best parts of the first game, plus much more fluid combat!

What more can be said about this delectable jaunt of a game?

This was my first time playing through Demon's Souls so personally I'm glad they kept all the "flaws"; that way I could play the real game just with new visuals.

I really love the look of the first Dark Souls and from what I've seen, the original Demon's Souls looks spectacular and very atmospheric in a different way from the remake. Therefore I wouldn't necessarily call the remake an improvement or anything like that, but I think it's funny playing a (sort of niche at the time) 2009 dark fantasy RPG but with insane, high-budget PS5 graphics. Also, the animations look amazing: when you 2-handed backstab the soldiers in Boletaria, they collapse but their shield cartoonishly flips up into the air and it makes me laugh every time.

By the way, the so-called jank that everybody harps on in their reviews? I fail to see it. The one thing I can see being a quality-of-life issue is the fact that the drop rate of the grass is really low. However I don't think that's a huge deal since the game clearly wants people to have to sacrifice some of their souls at the merchants to keep their healing supply up. It's just another level of difficulty and I didn't have too much of a problem with it.

What I DO have a problem with, though, is the character creator. One of the most massive appeals of the Souls games for me is being able to play as a hideously deformed cretin, and you cannot do that in this game. You can do funny skin colors, sure, but it doesn't give you the ability to really exaggerate facial features in a funny way, and that's just sad. I've seen some takes from insufferable nerds being like "Finally, we can create good looking characters! From Software could learn something from Bluepoint!" and I only have one thing to say to those dorks: suck a fart out of my ass. Nobody wants to play a game as a regular-looking dude when they could play as a disgusting sewer puke mutant instead. Demon's Souls remake loses ONE STAR from me for this unfortunate shortcoming.


I was 13 when this game came out and it looked like the coolest thing ever. I was really excited for the customization and I hadn't ever seen an FPS with this cool post-apocalypse anarchist aesthetic and I thought it looked really good.

That artstyle has now become extremely commonplace in video games today, and that wasn't the only thing this game pioneered that ALL triple-A studios have now continued to follow: because Brink was also shipped in a state that was completely devoid of content.

Pretty fun but clearly has one of the lamest communities and most of the characters are really boring

5 stars for how many good memories I had playing this game a ton from around 2009 to 2013. Lots of other games have tried the whole Hero Shooter thing but none of them have been able to match the amount of personality that all the TF2 classes have. The dialogue and voice acting is all just too amazing. I also love the fact that you unlock different weapons for each class that all do different things.


Such an interesting atmosphere and it was a really good idea to make a kid-friendly stealth game out of the 3D platformer genre.

I played it on PS4 but haven't played in a while so I'm not worried about how much new stuff there is, I'm just starting over and having so much fun again just like the first time. I really really love this game bro.

I will say that the new stuff has been a really fun bonus. I'm happy to finally get the previously PC exclusive half life stuff, and I wasn't expecting this but DEAR LORD the graphical enhancements are actually noticeable. The 4k and 60fps make the game look positively phenomenal, and the loading times have been shortened to the point where getting from the PS5 home screen to being loaded and in the game actually takes under 5 seconds.

First MMO I ever played and one of the best. A super detailed world with so many original fantasy elements and unique gameplay mechanics that set it apart from anything else. Jeremy Soule OST is psycho mode

In this one you fight black people instead of zombies