nothin beats the first time you play this game

one ticket to bonerville please!

if they never make we love katamari reroll i will kill myself in real life

one of my first and still my favorite zelda. I think i 100% this game two times

What a masterpiece, extremely moving characters and such a good use of the alignment system that really surpasses other megaten titles
there is so much to say about this game but i think it’s like nearly flawless for the smt series, i recommend to anyone

I've put a shameful amount of time into this game 100% ing it. One of my favorite games, favorite dark souls game for sure.

landfall is really good at coming up with super creative ideas and then making very buggy, short, and underwhelming games. I refuse to say that i hate a landfall game but they could just do so much better

this is my favorite game of all time. realistically as an indie game, even for the time, it doesn't have much to offer, but playing this growing up kind of changed my perspective of what games can be, supergiant will forever be my favorite developer and darren korb i love you so much