Perfect Game. Story, gameplay, level design, sound design, it's all here and in plain view. Each level is full of stories, world building, interesting NPCs, and so much to do replay and master. This is, for my money, the greatest game of all time.

A lot of people here have been filtered by the levels with ghosts and ghouls, to which i say: Lol.

Real shit though, this is a good game, would be the only good game ever made if Thief II wasn't a Masterpiece Of Time. This is my favorite game ever though out of pure nostalgia, I played this one for hours mastering it, listening to the incredible drum'n'bass ost, and getting immersed in the INCREDIBLE storyline. The pacing is godlike, and the escalation to the incredible finale is so well-earned. Thief Gold fucks up this pacing by adding in 2 of the worst levels ever (thieves guild and mage's tower) and one pretty cool level (the opera house.) I wish there was a way to just play The Dark Project as originally intended but there is a cheat to just skip levels. Do NOT play the Thieves Guild it is like 3 fucking hours long.

It's moody, atmospheric, immersive, you can spend hours getting lost in the world and when you get up to use the restroom you'll feel like you just stepped out of VR. it's so good and the developers should be allowed to legally kill one person of their choice each as reward for working on it.

Played this on layover in Detroit. Yeah I sat next to people and whipped out my fucking PSP to play Persona. Pimp move. Anyway game is way too long for me to ever see the end of it but there is a ton of charm to it, excessive style and substance. I can see why the series is a hit but I can't see myself ever getting to finish one.

Yeah I gave it a 4 1/2, fight me. "ooh it aged bad," i will Kill You.

Played on PC, I loved it on Saturn but the save crystals ramp the challenge up to ferocious heights in a game that's already hard with save scumming. I Love This Shit, games that require practice and mastery of their controls and systems are my jam. Tomb Raider works on such a consistent set of rules that by the end game you can eyeball a room and figure out where you can and can't move.

Also the variety of locales is incredible, I'd recommend playing just to see the crazy ass final levels.

The story is great, Lara is just a callous villain who is purely out for herself, she is incapable of introspection or finding a deeper meaning in her actions and I love her for it. She spots a fucking T-Rex roaming the earth? She draws. She doesn't give a fuck.

Recommended for cool good looking people, ugly people who smell will not enjoy it.

man they just do not care about these games. i have to do 4 stars because Ninja Gaiden is a must-play even if it's the Sigma version, but Sigma 2? if you have NO OTHER OPTION to play 2, yeah it's fine. The changes the Sigma games make can be very weird and misguided, such as the dumbass motorcycle guys or cutting the shortcut to Muramasa's from the drawbridge. Of course the gore and enemy count in Sigma 2 is a huge detriment but it's still playable. Razor's Edge is also here, and it's honestly not bad, just a hard course correction that sometimes doesn't work.

I genuinely wish NG would get more love, as it's simply the best action game series ever, and we will never get anything as methodical and complex as NG1 or as bananas insane as NG2 ever again.

If you are new to the series you absolutely SHOULD buy these, because you will still get into NG and they are great to play. If you become a die-hard you will end up buying Black and a CRT television to play it on whether I advise you to or not.

Finally, an art game for me.

This game really brings to light the disparity between "vague storytelling" and "not telling the story at all." When I first played it I beat it without even understanding I had fought a final boss or achieved an ending state, with no understanding of what I had even accomplished. "That's the point, Gehrman says to kill beasts and not think about it!" Okay, that's stupid. Sounds like a cop out for shitty storytelling. Whenever people go on about how good the story or lore is, all I can think is "damn, wish they could have told us any of that." Half-Life has as equally vague a story but actually gives sufficient enough breadcrumbs to put the pieces together, Bloodborne is just esoteric for its own sake.

The combat, while From's deepest combat system ever, it is still woefully undercooked compared to any other competent action game. Bosses against beasts are a battle against camera tracking, NPC fights feel like they weren't playtested for even a second, enemies in From's oeuvre have just devolved into "fake out attacks and a string of 10 hits," the actual playing of BB is just not that great.

The art direction though is unparalleled. From has the best artists in the business and they are working their asses off on this game. This game has an allure a lot of other games don't, where friends will take a seat to watch you play just because it's such a visual spectacle. Although I can't agree with people who call this the masterpiece of all time, I can understand why they'd feel that way. If they port it to PC though I'm raising my score to a 4.

This was the first game i played as a child that made me think, "this is bad."

I thought Gex was good.

This game rules. I miss when big-budget releases could be this weird and goofy. I asked for a 360 just for this game and Halo 3, and fuck did I make a good call (until it red ring'd lol.)

I love the drama of the story contrasted with the insane gameplay, I love how the layout of the mall is burned into my brain, i love the hand to hand combos you can do on zombies, the game just fucking rules.

The Last Ubisoft Game With Artistic Merit.

Breathtakingly immersive and ball-bustingly challenging, it's SUCH a good game.

When it came out I REALLY hated this game, now having played Elden Ring I love DS3, it might be my favorite. I think the precision focus on great level design and interesting encounters is wonderful, the art direction is as good as always, and a lot of the bosses are so cool and fun to fight. The Ringed City is the only thing that didn't click for me, even though looking AT it is jaw-dropping. Sometimes I think From are deeply overrated but when I replay games like Demon's Souls and Dark Souls 3 I remember that when they are on, they are ON.

I have such a hard time with RPGs, I have zero patience at all for menus and turn-based combat, Fallout was as close as I got. I wanted to try the Shadow Hearts games because they seemed so weird and distinct that maybe they could get me more interested in the genre. I don't think I'm dissuaded from them, but Koudelka definitely feels more compromised than Shadow Hearts itself (which was from the get-go going to be a JRPG.) the shift between haunting atmospherics to tactics gameplay is extremely jarring, but the surprisingly decent voice-acting and tone make it easier to get through than I expected. I also don't mind the tactics stuff even though it's woefully out of place. Probably best to just go to Shadow Hearts but Koudelka is an interesting little thing.

It's NG, so it's still good, but they have really altered the soul of what makes Ninja Gaiden so compelling. I know the adventure elements are controversial, but they kind of define the experience of NG, that Ryu isn't just a human blender but also intelligent and quick on his feet. While QoL changes like in-air bow shooting is a welcome change, I just couldn't recommend someone play this over Black.

destroying the central servers for this game would make you a worldwide hero, your name would be spoken of in epic poetry and bards would write songs about you.

having grown up in Iowa, being chased around by mutant hillbillies is a bit too familiar to me, thankfully insect women are exclusive to Missouri so I was able to enjoy that part.