i played this as a child and would like to come back to it again now that i am sentient

very cool aesthetic. the platforming is so hard

beautiful environment design and fascinating lore. makes me fear for my life physically. not 5 stars because of how the scavengers are treated.

awesome characters as always. jesus christ the cases are so long

beautiful game. fun and thank god for difficulty settings

gets boring after a while and that while is not long enough. combat kinda sucks for how much of it there is

even for a classic zelda formula hater i still enjoyed a fair amount of this game. music is of course out of this world. i still have nightmares about the redead

i think i enjoy this game more than most people. i loved flying around on the loftwings

i love the whole look of this game. one of the more fun zeldas imo

i feel like this game might be a bit more fun if i had friends to play it with. fortunately for its rating, i fucking love pirates.