i like jumping around and collecting stuff. i love this game's aesthetic and nonsensical lore

fucking astounding. i'm so illiterate

i can't fucking believe minecraft steve is there

i played this thru a third party watch together site and got stuck on possibly the worst level of video game ever created

gets boring after a while and that while is not long enough. combat kinda sucks for how much of it there is

absolute ass game with ass writing and ass characters. co op was the only remotely redeeming part of this game but the everything else makes it impossible to enjoy

when i was 15 i set alarms for four in the morning so i could talk to these pngs

still gotta play the prequel

even for a classic zelda formula hater i still enjoyed a fair amount of this game. music is of course out of this world. i still have nightmares about the redead

i think i enjoy this game more than most people. i loved flying around on the loftwings

i love the whole look of this game. one of the more fun zeldas imo