The bubonic plauge but it's a videogame

I really wish "Animal Crossing: Goes to the Zoo" and "Medevil rpg IV strategy RTS RPG fantasy" sold better.

You could arguee that Luigis Mansion 3 has boring gameplay and therefore the game is bad. But to me, luigis mansion 3 isn't about the gameplay, it's about little details and enviornments. The sound of the poltergust absorbing everything in its path, all of the different boss ghosts and their personalities, the funny ghost dog, etc...
The enviornments on each floor are unique, wether you're in a pirate room, Egyptian room, 80s discotheque, greenhouse, museum, or a film set.
In short, the game is a lot more fun looking and appreciating the visuals instead of powering through the story.

Who is this man on Columns III? And why is he also on Sonic?

I can't complete it... I'm not strong enough...

The level designs so boring I can't go back and replay them. Meanwhile even with 2 reserve tanks and a few heart tanks, I am still struggling with some of these bosses, which seem to be harder than both X1s and X2s. Mega Man X3 also constantly reuses the same three enemies that I have fought like hundred times by now. Even just by the little things like the uninteresting hub map, a lack of names for the 8 maverick stages, and music that even I could probably make in Soundtrap right now, you can tell that this game was most definitely rushed. I can appreciate it for introducing a new villain, a playable Zero, and some of the stage settings are fairly cool, but since i cant find any enjoyment out of this game, I'm going to quit it probably forever.

Even though apparently the game is a lot more enjoyable when you know everything about it, it doesn't seem worth it to me when I could go play X4 instead right now, but I do appreciate and respect those who could beat and master this one.

I can't seem to get into this game for some reason. I'll try again in another couple years, I'll be back!

I liked it. I'll probably inevitably rate it higher when I replay it and compare it to fusion and dread but there are a few dumb parts where if I didn't have an older brother who played the game, I would have needed a guide. There are also a lot of obscure missle tank placements that seem impossible to find unless you scan everything. However, Super Metriod has great and even better atmosphere than Zero Mission and AM2R. Great game that set the metroidvania item collecting system in stone, but I feel like I might rank this higher if I replayed and 100% it with a guide in the future.

Best played with a guide or a friend that knows what their doing the first time around. It seems like a simple survival game at first glance but it's a big big game

One of the games I ever played

Arcade mode is wicked difficult for me but it's dumb fun multiplayer. I can't compare it to the million other versions of Street fighter ii since I haven't played them; this one was just the one on the SNES classic (at least I think it is)?

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Okay, who did it. Who designed that blue badger jar puzzle. I need to know.

On second thought maybe it was the same person at capcom that designed wily stage 4 in mega man 2. I told you guys they should have fired that person.

How do you rate Minecraft? If I were to rate it purely as how good of a "survival" game it is, it would probably have a pretty low score. For example, the game doesn't properly encourage you to explore because the risk (losing all of your items, probably for good) is generally much greater than the reward (seeing some new scenery and maybe getting a name tag, saddle, or some enchanting books if you’re lucky). After the first few hours of playing (casually), you will have plenty of food for the rest of the game. If your goal is to beat the game (once again, casually), then around half of the time you will be making a sugarcane, wheat, cow, and a chicken farm. And if you really want to bury this game in its grave, you could compare it to Terraria, which has leagues better inventory management, progression system, and more than two, yes, two, bosses.

So it seems like a pretty lame game, right? Wrong. Progressively building structures in a survival world is incredibly satisfying, whether it's automatic farms, a burger house, a super smelter, or a giant castle. Or if you want to get something made as quickly as possible without any worries, then you can probably build anything imaginable in creative mode. And playing with friends, or dare I say it, SMPs, make it all the more exciting.

And this doesn't account for all of the creative mods and servers out there. I could spend hours and hours in Hypixel alone, and I have yet to commit myself to complete Create, Pixelmon, RL Craft, or any other innovative mods that I don’t even know about. There are hundreds and hundreds of Youtube Videos that use Minecraft as a medium to share completely unique stories and experiences that could be separated from Minecraft and turned into a book series or T.V. Show. Not many games, if any at all, can claim this achievement.

Usually I assume that a 5 stars or a 10/10 rating means that a game is perfect or very close to being perfect, yet Minecraft is far from a perfect game. Because of its flawed core survival gameplay mechanics, I believe it will never become one. I can totally understand why someone would believe that Minecraft is an overrated, poorly made survival game. But since I can do more creative and fun things than I could ever begin to comprehend, it at least deserves 5 stars from me.

Going into this game, I thought it would be a super hardcore game that only the truest of gamers play. It turns out its a funny game with bad voice acting.