my favorite of the imperialist genre

distinctly remember feeling cooler than everyone for unlocking drybones when i was a kid

just kidding THIS is the best game ever made

i sold my copy so i don't have my hours but know it was way too many for this dogshit game

the best game ever made, that other games will forever try to live up to and fail.

probably my least fav cheritz game

god i hate the combat and the writing isn't all that good. the best thing ab this game is that one of the characters was designed by hato moa.

great conclusion to an amazing series, which surprised me considering the rocky development

i think this game gets way too much hate. while it's nothing in comparison to the first two, it's still an alright game.

the adults in this game get on my nerves to the point i was yelling at the screen for half of it

the best game series ever made, but this game will always be my #1

i always say this takes the best elements of minecraft and animal crossing, while eliminating those games's worst elements

this is a good game if you ignore the first 4/5 cases!

best first case an AA game has ever had