It's a cozy puzzle game no doubt, but what makes me give it a lower score than what it perhaps deserves is the focus on the story. This wouldn't have been a problem if the story would have been better, but it is sadly pretty generic.

I'd definitely say the game is worth the price of about 6-8 euros, but if you're unsure, get it while it's on a discount.

I really, really loved this game. Pretty sure I played it in one stretch. The environment and nature in the game is beautiful, and I could spend hours just watching it. I don't remember much of the story, other than that it was good and a bit unsettling. The big star of this game though is the environment the story plays out in.


Easily one of the best and most fun FPS's made.

While, admittedly, I'm a bit late to the game (almost 10 years), I really, really loved this game. I played it out over about three days, and the story kept me hooked for real. More than any game I've played in a while.

It's well executed, and the finale is perfect. You really get to feel for all the characters, and it feels like the choices you make really matter.

I'd recommend this game to basically anyone, be aware though that there are a lot of quick time events. But if that's fine by you and you want a GREAT story, get this game.

NOTE: It took me about 16 hours to complete.

First off, it ran great on my PC, so no problems with performance. Although the lack of FOV slider and a really narrow FOV was irritating. I still don't understand why many games don't let you choose this right out of the gate.

I didn't finish this game, and there are three big reasons for this, reasons that got so annoying to me, that it wasn't fun playing the game anymore. The first one was the protagonist. He really needs to learn to shut up. Out of every 100 words that came out of him, about two were needed or actually interesting to hear. And why is he so rude towards everything? Just overall shitty character that wasn't interesting at all, a quiet protagonist would have been way better.

The second reason is the puzzles, they just weren't fun, simple as that.

Third reason, how enemy respawn was handled. The fact that they just keep spawning, without an end to them, isn't fun. It's just annoying. It feels like this was just a way for the developers of the game to give the player something to do, without any thought behind it.

I really thought this was fun. The story was entertaining enough, and the combat is good enough to keep you interested for the duration of the game. Some minuses are all the collectibles, and I don't really think the light RPG mechanincs serve the game well.

For short, it's a good game in the HALO series, but certainly not the best one. (Also, I've only played the singeplayer since multiplayer doesn't interest me much). You can get it on Gamepass if you want to try it out but not commit too much money.

It's a fun game filled with killing zombies. The story is not too interesting but it's fun enough with some good characters, as well as acting.

I'd recommend this to anyone who liked the first game, or is just up for some zombie killing actions for about 20-25 hours.

Also, it ran extremely well on PC and it's a VERY pretty game.

It's a really good game, gameplay- and storywise, but wow is the performance on PC utter shit. I've played it on a 3080 and depending on the level achieved 30 - 60 fps. Might not sound that bad, but the thing is that changes to the graphic settings didn't affect the fps more than max 5 fps.

So buy and play if you are okay with that, otherwise wait a while for patches, at least on PC.

One of the best indies in a while. Played on the Steam Deck where it works perfectly. The story is fed to you in bits and pieces and you have to work some to get all of it clear to you. Easily recommended for most people, great inventory management and the fishing mini games are just complicated enough to be fun throughout the game.


I read basically nothing about the game going into it, the only thing I knew was that its "Overwhelmingly Positive" rating on Steam.

And boy do I think that's correct. I hadn't even lost faith in videogames, but this one brought it back still.

It's a beautiful game. The animations are gorgeous and the design of the levels guide you without it being too obvious. What I'd really recommend is playing this game with headphones, and preferably in a quiet place that allows you to take in all its beauty.

In short, play it. I have a hard time seeing that you will be disappointed by it.

Overall a great and fun, albeit pretty difficult, experience. This is one of those games I'd say is probably the perfect length when it comes to time played. I'd recommend this to everyone who wants a challenging little platformer, with some great concepts.

Also, I played this on the Steam Deck. It's perfect for that IMO.

This might actually be the best co-op game made. Both for "gamers" and non-gamers. Play it with a friend, or even better with your spouse who doesn't normally play games. Just watch out for the elephant scene.

It's nothing new that this is a great game, where the shining star of it is the story. There are some annoying parts of it where how awkward (which I guess is by design) the combat is just makes it not very fun, but overall it's great.

Overall this is a fun game which ran great on my PC, but there are some problems with it. Some of which become pretty clear after you play a while.

The first of these is that the game is simply too long. The length of the game might have worked if the story was stronger, but after a while you just feel that it should've ended a couple of hours ago.

Second problem is the enemies. In the start new enemies are introduced pretty often, but then you just keep killing basically the same enemies for most of the game. This simply becomes more boring the longer you play.

In summary, I'd recommend this game for people looking for classic "gamey" games, like those from the Xbox 360/PS 3 era. Otherwise I'd recommend it to people who want a pretty fun game for a while, and for both of these groups I'd really recommend getting it at a discount if possible.

I think I played this for about 5-6 hours to complete it, and I really loved every minute of it. It's not the longest game but it really knows how long it should be, considering what you do in the game. It's one of the more fun "puzzle"-platformers I've played in a long while. And the fact that there is no combat in the game is golden for me.

The grahpics are great as well, the art style for the characters goes well with the different art style for the environments. Speaking about that, the levels are so much fun! They're packed with stuff to do and places to explore.

I'd recommend this to anyone, especially now since it's on Gamepass as well. Thans for reading :)