I wanted to wait to review this game until I got the platinum trophy and lo and behold here we are.

Rebirth is for me the perfect sequel to the already fantastic FF VII Remake, but better, a lot better.

Rebirth builds upon the already solid foundation laid by Remake in a multitude of ways. While Remake was very focused on plot and world-building, Rebirth instead focused on bonds between you and the party. The side quests in Remake are there to expand on Midgar, while here, they're there to allow you to engage with your party members, and get to know them better. A lot of the character moments are in these side quests, and the writing shines. From collecting flowers with Aerith, to helping a dog cross a region with Barret, these quests flesh out both characters and the world. Heck, these side quests even explain why Cloud always charges 2000 Gil for each job. Clever stuff.

The main story itself prides itself on being an adventure. The team did a great job of making the world feel extremely large, even though from a gameplay perspective, it isn't that big. Just like in the original game, this part of the game is mostly focused on character moments, and mark my words, when the remake project is done, this game will be the one people like the most.

The combat is better than ever. Fast action merged with strategic command inputs. They even added a perfect parry system, and it just works. The Materia system is also better than we've seen in Remake, with loads of ways to mix and match (and break) it.

My only minor complaint is in the brutal challenges you can do during the endgame, and these are insanely difficult. Way over tuned, and not really "fun".

Remake part 3 can't get here fast enough for me. As a die hard FF VII fan, I might have to admit to myself that Rebirth dethrones every other FF game I've played to date. Masterpiece through and through.

I replayed in preparation for REBIRTH in a few weeks.

Just a masterpiece through and through. Music, gameplay, story... Insane they made this back 1997. I can't wait for the remake trilogy to end so we can have the definite version of this epic.

Obviously some gameplay elements haven't aged perfectly, but it's still such a fantastic experience.

I got all the Steam achievements, so I guess I can review it now.

Tekken 8 is a masterful fighting game. The gameplay is super welcoming to anyone, and the arcade quest mode works as the perfect tutorial for the game's many many systems. I haven't played Tekken since 5, so arcade quest was a huge help in getting my footing back. Tornados, heat rushes, and power crushes all make sense to me now, and that makes playing online so much more fun - I am actually winning a lot!

The game looks great, the music is great, and the main story mode is super fun and has the appropriate length. The story itself is kinda nonsensical but also builds on the foundation laid in every single game before it.

I could gush on forever so let's end this here. 2024 is going to be a fantastic games year!

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I like the additions to the combat. I find Yuffie to be extremely versatile with her short to long-range attacks, and the synergy attacks with Sonon are a blast to pull off.

Storywise, I love the added depth to Yuffie as a character. The OG didn't do much with her, and the few changes here in the Remake timeline, more than make up for that. Having Yuffie be aware of the splinter group of Avalanche, and also motivated to stop Shinra from the get-go, is just what the character needed. HOWEVER, I do not like the characters from Dirge of Cerberus in this one. I feel like they feel out of place with the tone of Remake, and Nero is way too powerful. They kind of break the story for me in that regard.

Man Rebirth is gonna rock so much, huh?

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I cried (again).

I still think this is one of the best takes on a new type of JRPG combat, that really emphasizes strategy while also being a cool action game.

I originally hated the new story elements back in 2020, but today I really enjoyed. I do find the internet theories to be a bit too stupid, and I really hope they're wrong. I think the future of the remake trilogy is still in good hands of people that understand that they need to make this game for both new comers and OG players like myself.

I wasn't the biggest fan of Crisis Core back in the day. I didn't like the changes to the story, but honestly, here in 2024, I am very happy with this game. This is a very good remaster, that had enough QOL changes, without ruining what made the game fun in the first place. I really can't wait for Rebirth, hopefully, it doesn't diminish this one's ending.

Amazing from start to finish. I've never felt this tense playing a video game before this. I'm not into horror, but I'm very into this.

The perfect expansion to an already fantastic game

Probably one of the best combat systems in a JRPG I’ve played!

Took me 17 years but I finally finished FFXII!

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Ah so that’s why it’s called Final Fantasy!

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Can’t believe they made Zelda wait on Link again but it’s thousands of years instead of a hundred.