The last time I was as paranoid as reading this was when I used to read all those internet creepypastas. The sense of normalcy, brought on by its casual format, was broken by the supernatural, keeping a sense of believability even with all the insanity that was unfolding before me.

This game cemented for me somenthing that the best creepypastas knew too well, terror isn't about the most gruesome or believable tragedy, but about getting inmersed in its own sense of familiarity.
Getting used to a character's lifestyle, while delving into its relationships, is what makes the latter chapters of this effective. You know, or thought you knew, those people and places.

So in this space between what it is and what you thought it was, a crack opens up where monsters crawl into your reality. All of this while its most basic thematic elements are still there from beginning to end, changing its meaning, but not its form. Like witnesses of some unfathomable reality. But what might it be? I wonder. I wonder :)

This is the one boys.

Faster than Sonic and even if you fuck it up and have to slow down, the animations and situations are funny enough to not make you mad. It's also crazier and has way better moment to moment gameplay than Wario 4. It even has good bosses!

I have been thinking about triple A platformers design philosophies (mostly Nintendo games, Sonic and not much else) and in regards to Pizza Tower, they tend to conform to very specific design norms. Which is to say that there is a kind of not written obligation to have strict difficulty progressions, prioritizing stuff that tends to be alien to those games cores. For example, in Sonic games the first levels tend to be the funniest while the latter ones usually bloat themselves with ideas that conform to what latter levels in a platforming video game should look like instead of what Sonic is at its core.

Well, Pizza Tower has none of those problems. Everything that happens, everything that Peppino does, is true to its own insanity. When you finish the game you are left wondering if everything that occurred in it was a delusional dream of a madman instead of a well choreographed video game. Maybe because the key to good video games has more to do with live giving madness than with boring to death design templates.

What can you expect from one of the best written JRPGs on recent memory which also happens to be a Hentai game of sorts? Hypocrisy.

Still, play this thing with steam's censored version and the ingame R18 filter on if you think Persona 5 is a good game.

Preferir una voz que te maltrate porque es lo único con lo que puedes tener algo de compañía y comunicación, incluso aunque sea inventada. Sal de mi cabeza.

Abandoned after nearly completion of Arc 1. I found it a boring technical achievement without identity. It's a mask of a guy trying to be funny all the time but failing to do so.

The lack of confidence saddens me. Good times were had, even great at some points, but always with the feeling that the game had to be weird with its gameplay usage for the sake of it. Since some of it was expected coming from Zeroranger, the devs went full on mystery mode and... well. Its mysticism falls flat due to its own expectations.

You can rest now Cif, you don't need to keep up with anyone's expectations. Not even on your own! That's why it saddens me, the game shares the same issues as this small bug. You are already an interesting challenge! Don't need to ask constantly "Are you being surprised? Are you liking it? Did I live to your expectations?"

Maybe it's true that the devil is in love with god.

I appreciate your existence and I pray for you.

Send help pls, game is terrible, but can't stop farming disgusting anime girls and guns with weirdly technical names

Bajar a los infiernos para exorcizar viejos fantasmas y encontrar las fuerzas para seguir hacia adelante es un tipo de historia que me fascina. Hay algo en ese descenso que recuerda a lo más íntimo del ser; a esas energías primordiales que conforman toda vida y son la base de los procesos psíquicos que nos mueven. El origen y fin de todas las cosas.

El misterio por el misterio suele caer en lo vago o lo ridículo, pero aquí encaja plenamente porque toda inmersión en la propia psique es un proceso misterioso. Como sabían los gnósticos, Dios está dentro de nosotros y hay que enfrentarse a toda una eternidad para entrar en contacto con él. En indescifrables mensajes nos habla y en rituales mistéricos podemos responderle, destapando en el proceso las heridas del mundo.

Este juego trata lo humano con la veneración religiosa requerida, pues una herida en la psique es una herida en el corazón del mundo. Los dioses antiguos agonizantes son un reflejo de algo que está muriendo dentro de nosotros mismos. ¿Quién iba a decir que la respuesta correcta era dejarlo morir para darle nueva vida? Por el fuego la naturaleza es renovada en su plenitud.

Maravillosa comprensión de los secretos y el misterio. Todo tiene un propósito, pero nunca es tan evidente como para seguir la misma lógica interna para todos sus puzles. Algo que la inmensa mayoría de juegos siguen haciendo. Alguien en algún punto decidió que ser consistente con los secretos era buen diseño pero, ¿no os parece esto un oxímoron?

Una pena el coñazo de la mazmorra 6, eso sí.

Este corto juego hecho en 7 días está mejor que casi todos los horror-fps que hay por ahí, tito David demuestra una vez más que sabe lo que hace. Posicionamiento de enemigos malintencionado, buen uso de la oscuridad/luz y atmósfera muy buena con 4 assets.

Tron gives the most genuine hugs I have seen in a while

Niveles clásicos de Doom pero con las mejoras tecnológicas suficientes como para mejorar la sensación de lugar sin sacrificar la abstracción creativa de sus antecesores.

Es la cosa más innecesariamente faltona y rebuscada desde Lasagna Cat. Curioso y simpático.

Un mundo sin oscuridad, de pura luz. Cuando el cielo se convierte en el infierno, creer en un dios puramente blanco fue un error. Necesitamos nuestra naturaleza paradójica para sobrevivir.
Todo eso y más, pero mejor contado, jueguen al coso este.