its first year and a half meant the world to me a while back but nowdays i think about this game and get a headache so strong i need to gouge out my eyeballs

i still cant stop thinking about it and it's killing me inside

i used to sit down and play through this game over and over and over and over again non stop for a very very long time. its not good and the controls and movement compared to other action platformers now are beyond lackluster. but i really loved everything else from the humor to the artstyle as a child :]

it's a kids game and i think ill just leave it like that and never touch it again for my memory's sake

you dont understand. you just cannot understand..........

very pretty n i had a ton of fun with the language puzzles :] still, i kinda wish it went further with them, plus maybe having a mode where you have to do the translation instead of it being automatic, i think itd be more fun for interpretation

this piece of shit game is to blame for my music taste and i love it so so soooo much for it

i think its the one version with the best setlist and i could never be more thankful abt my uncle getting this one over any other guitar game

i cant imagine what it must be like to be a new player that didnt touch BotW experiencing the world of TotK bc as somebody who spent. too much time doing everything in the other one it's been a series of "oh jesus christ they actually did this?????" moments and ive become addicted to exploration and subversion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

im so good at not killing myself

your enjoyment will depend almost entirely on how funny your friend group is. luckily, my internet besties are the funniest ppl in the world

i played it and replayed it everyday nonstop for months as a kid. i can probably blame it for my fixation on drawing funny monsters. i recently replayed it on gamepass and the final boss really fucking sucks but everything else is fun most of the time except when the physics puzzles just get a little too tedious

its cute :) i wish the difficulty had scaled with the levels tho, i felt like the last chapter was ez. i will say, the stamp challenges are rly fun they got me glued to my ipad like a baby on that cocomelon shit

i loved it so much its the first time i accidentally speedran a game. it kills me that i might have gone though an entire college degree in the time between its sequel's announcement and release. i miss discovering things in hallownests

every single character in this game is my best friend i loved it sooooo so so much as a child i think i should go replay it right now


its cute and charming at first but it wears off fast, i quit after like 2 and half hours n realizing oh its just some adventure game with a cat for mc

FUCKKKK this game's camera. everything else is pretty engaging tho