The emphasis is on the puzzles, rather than the platforming. Was this the first of that big wave of indie games to to the 2D silhouette look? Even the newer Donkey Kong games used it.

This seemed really funny I wish I was clever enough to get the jokes.

Really loved this even though I could hardly read the text on my 15" CRT telly. The floaty handling of Mako reminded me of Zarch/Virus. Keen to play the others in the series but I'll wait for the remasters.

I don't know if Vita was the best platform to experience this one but when things were going well it was really cathartic to carve through foes.

The movement is still incredibly satisfying after all these years. The way Mario digs his heels in before a backflip and the momentum retained with a dive, flip run. What a great wee guy.

I don't remember a single thing about this except that it was good.

I generally prefer a game where I get to press a lot of buttons but the twists and charm (and music!) of this made a lovely change of pace during a period where I was travelling a lot.

There's a very satisfying, simplistic approach to the brutal stealth in this that reminds me a lot of Manhunt. The overall story may not be terribly original but the pared-down dialog and voice performances elevate it. The atmosphere in the moments brings a weirdly soothing tension. I'd have likely earned the Platinum trophy if it didn't require an absurd number of multiplayer matches.

My experience of the series was mostly THPS3 on Gamecube so I was very glad they included the Revert in this.

Borrowed a PS2 for this and my lasting memory is enduring, bleary eyed, a cutscene near the end that was so long I though maybe I was already sleeping. I kinda plan to return to it but I have even less patience for cutscenes now than I did then.

It's great to kill nazis but I'm not much of a shooter guy.

Beyond the initial spectacle I wasn't keen on this on Dreamcast so I was surprised to find it was worse than I remembered.

An absolute belter. Maybe a bit light on challenge relative to 3D Land until the very, very end but it's still a joy throughout. Plus some of the platforms look like big cubes of pickled beetroot, which I consider a positive.

Grew to really love the cast by the end, especially Apollo and Phoenix's casual look.