Killing demons has never been more satisfying.

A gripping experience that had me legit scared at times.

I love the badge system, the combination of combat and avoiding attacks. Challenging platforming. Was so close to 100% but the Path of Pain is too much pain for me.

Just so much fun and ridiculousness. Better than 3 imo.

Quite simply a perfect game. Changed the way I think about combat in games. Maybe no more satisfying experience than overcoming a boss that has sucked so much time, and no more devastating a moment than when you lose that first big bundle of souls.

The shooting gameplay gets a bit repetitive but the writing and story more then makes up for it.

Infinitely replayable. And I have the steam hours to prove it.

My least favorite GTA, why so serious?

Along with Oblivion, changed what an Open World RPG could be.

Well done, story was mostly good.

A much improved game from the original.

Beating the campaign on Veteran was quite a challenge and changed what a FPS campaign could be.