This one’s okay. The shooting is really loose, which feels pretty good at first. Later levels can be pretty frustrating, though, and having so little control over the gunplay tends to exacerbate it. The writing is also not great, but they’re going for an aesthetic that is built on bad writing, so it didn’t bother me.

Really excellent despite the jank. Definitely a must-play.

Pretty chill lil Mario experience. Feels sort of like a prototype of Mario Wonder but with 3D platforming. The postgame stuff is cool, but by the end it does get a bit tiring dealing with Evil Mario so many times. Not the best Mario ever, but it has a nice aesthetic, short, solid levels, and is never too easy or too hard.

This game is basically garbage. Sherlock and Watson are terrifically dull, every attempt at humor or deeper characterization falls flat on its face, and the puzzle controls are consistently bad enough that the developers let you skip any puzzle without consequence because a couple of them are straight up impossible to figure out purely based on the poor controls. It does some sort of interesting stuff when it comes to concluding the cases, but by the time that happens you’re just wishing it would be over (and then it throws you a half-baked quick time event after your decision that can ruin any sense of satisfaction if you fail it). This shit stinks!

It feels like Miyamoto played Celeste and smoked weed and was like let’s do something cool with Mario

A legitimate classick. It’s like playing Dirt Rally but the ground is moving. It’s Water Rally 64.

This is a complete Yakuza experience despite its non canonical spinoff status and it fucks so hard

This game is real solid despite a little bit of kinda dated-feeling writing and design. Still holds up twenty years later.

Man that final boss fight drags on foreverrrrr

I rented so many terrific 7/10 giant mech games as a kid. It is incredible how this game does exactly what so many of those games are trying to do and more. The controls feel great, the mech customization is varied, accessible, and in-depth, and the plot shit is a beautiful three-playthrough experience that gets better over time. If you didn’t go through the game three times, you really missed some of the best stuff the game has to offer. That might seem annoying, but my second and third playthroughs were breezy and rewarding, a fun way to remind myself how much better me and my mech are than when we started. Can’t recommend this one enough.

Just like those Ace Attorney games, this one’s story strings you along keeping you invested until you reach a supremely satisfying conclusion. Definitely recommend ya give it a go.

An absolute gem, and a breath of fresh air after the rather mid DS games. It’s a lovely twist on Link to the Past, and the wall-walking mechanic is used extremely effectively throughout the game. Can’t recommend it enough.

A little more enjoyable than Phantom Hourglass, but definitely a lesser entry into the Zelda canon. Driving a train is more fun than sailing tbh.

Really solid. Definitely enjoyed it more than Hotel Dusk. There are a couple moments where it’s hard to tell what to do (that fuckin music box), but it’s generally quite good at keeping you moving in the right direction. The plot is more engaging than in the first game as well, especially given that you’re finally learning about Kyle’s history. Good game!

This game is god-awful. The plot is predictable, the writing is terrible, the shooting is frustrating, the cover system is borked, and the team-based gameplay is a hinderance. I do not recommend this game.