Hideo Kojima is the king of callbacks and the undisputed king of retconning shit

The dialogue isn’t as fun as in the original, and they did some dumb shit to the ending, but the gameplay is extremely solid and I enjoyed my time with this remake.

Honestly incredible. The way they build up this long term mystery over many individual cases and still have major revelations in the end. They tie up all the loose ends in the conclusion in a way that would make Columbo proud. These games rule hard but this one was just incredible.

there’s too much stuff in this game ngl. shout out to the internet.

This game is great. The story is compelling, and it has all the cool and fun side stories and games you expect from this studio’s games. The combat is solid - I had a frustrating time with Yakuza 0’s combat as Kiryu, and here I only ever really got annoyed fighting Koga’s wack gunkata ass. The deadly attacks and EX boost system are mostly just a pain in the ass, but I managed to beat the game on hard difficulty without any trouble while still feeling reasonably challenged (where Y0 had me switching from normal to easy relatively early on and feeling underwhelmed by combat the rest of the game). If you think Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio’s games seem cool, I think this is a great entry point. Fuck Koga!

This game rules. The presentation is fantastic, and the games themselves are largely unique and fun to play. I loved to read the manuals and magazines to hype myself up for each new experience, and chatting with Kid Arino was a good time. I just wish there was more dialogue available (especially once Adult Arino gives you the final challenge and Kid Arino refuses to say anything to you).

I see other people upset with the final challenge (to beat all the games) but I really don’t see why. Apart from Haggleman 3 they’re all pretty straightforward, and if you’re having trouble finishing a certain game there’s a 100% chance that you can use some kind of cheat code or warp or trick to make things easier on you. They definitely could have included more challenges for each game, or made them feel more spread out. Maybe by making them harder, or unlocking new games after 3 challenges are complete and making you come back to each game later (before issuing the inevitable final “beat every game!” challenge).

Rally King rules so fucking hard. I’d love to see that one developed into a full-on multiplayer racing game.

The people who made this game have never played Celeste. The people who made this have never heard the phrase “level design” before.

This game is pretty chill. I didn’t love the tone of the dialogue or the character designs (pretty tumblr-core stuff tbh), but the overall plot kept me playing. Good music, too. Definitely has a bunch of small shit that makes it feel a lil cheap despite the effort they went to to keep the story compelling and try to nail down an aesthetic. Like, in a game that’s 95% text boxes, why are there this many typos? It’s not TOO bad, but I think there were even a few in the final trial sequence. Each character also only really has the one pose with a couple facial expression and arm placement variations. Does nobody move their legs? I do recommend giving this one a go if you’re interested in mystery games or narrative-driven games, though. It’s pretty solid, and it doesn’t ever waste your time.

Just obviously one of the best games of all time tbh

Chill-ass game with a lovely art style and some nice music. It picks up a lil slow, and at times it can be difficult to tell how to progress, but overall it’s pretty solid and enjoyable. Wish they had a more specific recap feature that made it easy to remember exactly what you were doing last time you put it down, but I didn’t mind pulling a guide up to remember where to go or get past any points where I got stuck.

One of those true all-time classicks. The music, the graphics, the gameplay. It’s a really cohesive experience.

This is easily one of the best games of all time, if you ask me. As far as SNES RPGs go, it’s right up there with all-time classicks like Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy 3/6. I cannot recommend this game enough. It’s fun, funny, accessible, engaging, and not too long, either.

Man, every Parappa game is fantastic. People kinda hate on this one because it’s definitely way too hard, but it’s 2023 and I can save state my way through relatively painlessly so I don’t care. People say the songs suck but honestly I think that’s bonkers. The lyrics aren’t anything to write home about (and it can be difficult to follow the rhythm of the vocal lines with your guitar - they shoulda just had it be all guitars), but I think the songs are still great! The guitar lines are really good, and the songs are fun to listen to despite the lyrics.

The biggest issue is that it’s kind of impossible to tell what timing the game wants you to follow, even when you know what rhythm to play and you seem to have done it perfectly. There are lots of complicated patterns that feel good to hit but then you end up losing points somehow anyway and it can really take the wind outta your sails. This game makes me want the exact same game but with more functional rhythm mechanics, or even one where you can press any button as it suggests a pattern to you. It’s fun and usually sounds great to hit the wrong button at the right time, and a game like this would still be totally functional if it just roughly scored based on rhythm and let players hit whatever button they wanted for different preset sound clips.

This one definitely has some of the best cutscenes in the Parappa series. “I gotta believe” is way snappier than “My guitar is in my mind,” but Lammy’s story feels much more intentional than Parappa 1’s, and her insecurity feels very real and tangible compared to stuff in either Parappa. There’s a lot of bonus stuff after you beat the game to keep you playing, too. Parappa 2 is my true favorite, but in a perfect world this one would probably be the best one!

If you don’t like this game, youuuu might be a hater. Use them save states. You gotta believe!

This is one of those ones that’s just nice to boot up and play for half an hour every once in a while. It’s challenging and dynamic, and it’s got fun graphics and sounds. The camera movement can be a little annoying; you gotta move pretty slow to avoid running into stuff sometimes. That said, there’s no time limit to the game (at least not in Judgment which is the last way I played this), so it’s not really a problem.