One of my favorites in the series. Felt like a breath of fresh air honestly.

One of my favorite games of the PS4 generation. I was engrossed from the opening minute. Can't wait for the sequel.

This is really a special piece of storytelling in games and in general. Easily my favorite game of 2020 and one of my favorites of all time now. The cast is fantastic and the story keeps you guessing and involved throughout. I can say without a doubt that I absolutely loved 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim.

It was a good game overall but it definitely had some down points. The final case and ending definitely propped it up for me though.

I'm still messed up from the ending, to be honest. It took me a while to finish it but I enjoyed every second of it. So many real characters and raw moments. Definitely a 10/10 game in my book. Looking forward to seeing how the rest of the series goes.

This game is the definition of a feel good game. The game is all about going on an adventure with your friends and it's definitely driven by the relationship between those characters. I loved the interactions and small building between them. You could say that it's driven by the power of friendship and I loved that.

Fantastic game. It's my first of the Ys games and honestly I was blown away. The combat was very fun and this is coming from someone who usually doesn't get into action games. The story was so engrossing and impressive. Coming from Trails, I was a bit worried about how Falcom's single-game storytelling would be but it seems that they don't miss a beat with a single game to work with. Also, the OST was so damn good.

One of my favorite shooters in a while.

I definitely enjoyed my time with this game. It took a while to pick up but once it did it didn't stop. There's a lot to love from the characters, story, and setting. I felt engrossed in the story and found myself shedding some tears once the ending hit. The big negative is the pacing of the game isn't great but that becomes less noticeable once it picks up.

Pretty good game. Playing Yakuza 0 before this definitely helped elevate how I felt about a lot of the stuff that happened in the story. I'm really not sure where things will go from here but I'm looking forward to it. Especially with where this game left Kiryu.

I fucking loved this game. There were some points that were silly but the overall story was great imo. They really went heavy on the twists here but the main antagonist really did it for me. And as always, Kiryu was cool as hell. (Also, the Majima side story was a great addition that really made me happy...and sad.)

The weakest entry so far to me. Still, a fun time but the story was not hitting for me.

Really enjoyed the story. The characters and their interaction within their group are the highlights of this game. The skits and voice events are so good and great for their relationship building.

Yeah, that was some good shit. Loved all the MCs in this one and the finale was a banger.