Depends on the crowd you're in, it can be an incredible time.

Not what I look for in metroidvanias or souls like games.

The worlds were extremely bland and reminded me of persona 4 dungeons. The first 10 hours of the game are actually some of the worst shit I've played. Thankfully the game really picks up halfway through Sora's campaign and all of reverse rebirth. The plot was pretty cool. The combat was pretty fun and surprisingly nuanced. The regular fights were pretty boring but the boss fights were extremely fun.

Its a fine version of tetris, but it becomes impossible to properly land blocks around the level 12 mark. Iconic nonetheless.

I was too biased when I first played it. Plan on playing the remastered version on ps4 down the line.

Oh man.

World was way too empty and the npc's were souless asf.
Combat felt lackluster and Link became way too op way too fast.
The plot isn't that good even by Nintendo standards.
The shrines and main dungeons are laughingly bad.

The opening area and aesthetic are the two things saving it from getting a lower score.

I'm ashamed at the fact that I spent 60hrs+ on this game

First game I've ever played, and still holds up. Love it to death.

movement in this game is ADDICTING

daisy + mach bike til I fuckin die nigga