This game's composer posts massive boobs on my twitter timeline.

Perhaps the coolest thing about the Heihachi Mishima billboard is that, it implies Heihachi Mishima bought a bunch of stuff just to show Heihachi Mishima face. Didn't even bother to advertise about Zaibatsu or the iron fist tournament, its Heihachi Mishima promoting Heihachi Mishima without even attaching a name, everyone just knows its Heihachi Mishima.

Ranking every character from King of Fighters: Kyo from least to most homophobic:

S Rank (Salvation)

These characters not only were portrayed as not having prejudice against gay people, but are also implied to be active supporters of LGBT+ rights as a whole:

- Shingo
- King
- Terry
- Shermie
- Daimon

A Rank (Angel)

These characters were shown to not display any homophobia and seem to always treat gay people with due respect:

- Yuki
- Ralf
- Clark
- Leona
- Kim
- Benimaru
- Andy
- Yuri
- Mary

B Rank (Bearable)

These characters joke about sexuality likely more than they should, but when gay people who they don’t have intimacy with are around, they’ll stop making them entirely to not make the conversation uncomfortable:

- Saisyu
- Mai
- Heidern
- Ryo
- Robert
- Takuma
- Chang
- Yashiro

C Rank (Controversy)

These characters often make dubious jokes and comments regarding sexuality that are kinda hard to tell whether they were joking or not, likely hold some prejudice deep inside:

- Kyo
- Chizuru
- Chris
- Joe
- Choi
- Mr. Big
- Yamazaki
- Chin

D Rank (Despair)

These characters are plenty vocal about being homophobic and seem oddly proud about it when a gay person is around:

- Iori
- Geese
- Billy
- Kensou

The Athena Tier

This bitch will follow you around, stare at you like this and say shit like “I just don’t think it’s natural”:

- Athena

I've been thinking for about 2 years what the hell I should write fot this game, but whenever I try to put my thoughts cohesively about it, my brain just defaults to a state similarly to that one gif of Homer Simpson with the monkey playing the cymbals inside his head, but instead of a monkey its just Marina doing a "SHAKE SHAKE".

Spike Chunsoft going to Dante Alighieri seventh circle of hell after making a 60 dollars singleplayer offline gacha game be like: " dialogue was quirky tho :/ ".

"stop killing people"
im literally neurodivergent & also a minor?? lol..

✅ Main quests that go somewhere
✅ Actions that actually have consequence
✅ Builds that completely change how you approach the game
✅ Side content that feels relevant
✅ Non time wasting mechanics that always put you on the edge of your seat

Disco Elysium does it all everyone. I must be a Citizen the way I Sleeper in this tech demo.

What do you mean champion? I see this shit everyday in Brazil.

Dad said I wouldn't go to heaven after I died for being gay and I'm so happy like OMG it means I can go to Rubacava and meet Manny Calavera this is so cool😍😍😍.

The Definitive Action 52 tier list

SSS: Micro Mike, Ooze, Storm Over the Desert
SS: Mash Man, Fuzz Power, Non-Human, Streemerz
S: Slashers, Timewarp, Meong, Haunted Hill, Ninja Assault
A: Star Evil, Bubblegum Rosy, Underground, Crazy Shuffle, City of Doom
B: Dedant, Illuminator, Space Dreams, Evil Empire, Chill Out, Manchester
C: Alfredo, Dam Busters, Robbie Robot, Thrusters, Megalonia, Cry Baby, Bits n Pieces, They Came...
D: Operation Full Moon, French Baker, Silver Sword, Lollipop, Sombreros, Hambo, Jigsaw, Star Breathers
E: Lazer League, G-Force Fighters, Billy Bob, Jupiter Score, Atmos Quake, Boss
F: Beeps n Blips, Rocket Jockey, Spread Fire, Sharks, Critical Bypass, Shooting Gallery

Think I forgot one🤔...

Adding the "ass" in "badass".

This mf is how I look like after giving my friends the single most infuriating, frustrating, and overly drawn out match they will ever have in their lives, in any given fighting game.


Google, show me this guy's balls.

Congrats Tinybuild in once again being the only gaming company in the world to publish games whose only gimmick is being 10 years late to the joke.

I can't wait to play the totally funny and original 'Pigeon Simulator' and 'Harambe's Adventure' in the following years !

Playin Relink with oomfies be like:

- Guy who plays Eugen: Proto Bahamut is a fun and fair boss to grind before we get to Lucilius
- Guy who plays Io: Proto Bahamut is a fun and fair boss to grind before we get to Lucilius
- Guy who plays Rackam: Proto Bahamut is a fun and fair boss to grind before we get to Lucilius
- Girl who plays Siegfried: I've come to make an announcement, Bahamut the gay dragon is a bitch ass motherfucker, he pierced trough my fucking armor.