Awesome spin off of the warriors game and extension of Persona 5. The story was pretty good nothing brand new but I had fun seeing the characters get to travel and Ryuji finally said the big F.

For sure an upgrade from the 1st game with a great first few hours

We need more 2D sonic games in this style.

Really great remake of the first game. I would recommend this over the original.

The original is still the best in the series in terms of atmosphere and lighting. The gameplay is solid especially once you master it. I try to play it every October.

Before all Pokemon games became lazy

Awful and lazy game with one of the worst stories from a Pokemon game.

Great remake and can't wait to see what else they do with the story in future parts. Some of the side quests and npcs were lacking but overall it was great.

Classic arcade game and some nice music

Before the "New super" series became over saturated. This game was huge when it released.

It's got some problems but overall one of the best X games.

A better sonic game compared to what they have put out in recent years. There's a lot they could fix u but this is a good step in the right direction.