the last great gran turismo game really everything after this is shafted in some way and aren't in the spirit of gran turismo

also this game has content for fucking days you can spend hundreds of hours and still have stuff to do

Metal Gear Solid 2 is honestly one of my favourite games of all time. (if not my favourite) With gameplay that builds upon it's predecessor refining controls, level design and game systems. But what makes this game stand out the most and what keeps it in my mind is the narrative and themes explored in this title.

MGS2 is a game about a lot of things. From big bipedal robots that can swim and fly, to

shadow of the colossus is an almost perfect game in my opinion
from the music to the visuals it just oozes beauty

fucking love ds1 man

honestly the first half of the game is just one of the best gaming experiences you can ever have

but after londo it does get a little worse

jet set radio but it actually doesn't feel like shit

its fat cry but now with a bigger number

man I love portal
but to be honest portal 1 feels a little off

This review contains spoilers

man I fucking love celeste
no platformer has ever come close to this game for me
even still I do have some gripes
(fuck the chase sequence in the hotel level man)

not the greatest game of all time..
but man is it hard to ever completely cut off from it

a fantastic example of how games just need to be fun
and vampire survivors sure is a load of it

I've sunken a lot of time into this one thanks to it being on mobile

I don't think I would've been able to sit down and just sink time into it otherwise

the only reason I even played metroid 2 is because of am2r with it being heavily based apon the game boy advance releases in the metroid franchise i really loved the aesthetics and controls of the game and I feel this is a great way to experience metroid 2

a fantastic metroid game with one of the best (if not the best) worlds to explore in all of gaming
biggest downside of the vanilla game in my opinion (coming from zero mission) is the floaty controls

one of the best starting points for anyone wanting to get into metroid vanias
it has simple and satisfying controls and a very smooth onboarding process that doesn't hold your hand throughout the entire game