I‘m absolutely trash at fighting games so I love this one, since it‘s very accessible to newcomers and people who are generally not good at fighting games. It‘s just so fun.

It really sucks that I didn‘t like this game, but it just wasn‘t fun. Why does this game have such a big focus on combat? Also those caves are such a chore, so that I eventually gave up in the cave with the snagrets.

Kinda fun, did not expect that ngl.

A very solid remake. It got a lot of things right, like Luis and Ashley being much more fleshed out, while some things were a bit disappointing like Leon's interaction with the villains, especially Salazar.

My least favorite part from the original game was the Island and it made me so happy, that I actually enjoyed the Island in the remake.

I thoroughly enjoyed this game, even if some parts were frustrating (but that's on me).


One of the worst Gran Turismo games. Horrendous monetization, which should not be in any Gran Turismo game, period. An absolute grindfest, if you wanna buy a more expensive car. Shitty rigged roulette prizes and the „always online“ aspect fucking sucks.

But GT7 also has some positives to it. The cars handle great, good amount of cars, cool customization and the tracks look good. Although I did not like some of the changes to the original tracks, like removing that high speed chicane on Trial Mountain and the complete (visual) overhaul of Grand Valley Speedway.

The campaign is… kind of ass. I had the most fun with the missions and license tests, even if some were bullshit. Atleast they were a bit challenging, unlike the braindead campaign.

Don‘t buy this expecting a good Gran Turismo game. If you just wanna drive fast cars, then it‘s not a bad game.

Not sure why I played this...

A short DLC, that was supposed to answer the remaining questions, but just left me with more questions. The way Rose's powers developed during the game was nice though.

Even though it's a sequel to Resident Evil 7, it feels much more like a Resident Evil game than RE7 was (Not saying RE7 was bad though. Great game too). I really liked the environment/levels, gun play and its nods to RE4.
The puzzles could definitely be improved and the final boss fight was a bit... meh.
Overall a very solid game, that I thoroughly enjoyed and a good conclusion to Ethan's story.

Absolutely insane game. So much content and your choices really matter.
The game has a few bugs though, especially the end game (for me atleast), hence why I'm not giving it 5 stars.
Overall this game definitely has earned a special place in my heart.

Basically just a short walking sim with a kind of immersive story and a nice ending, although I wish there were more gameplay elements to it. It’s definitely worth trying out, when it‘s on sale.

This game is kind of a mixed bag for me. Compared to Mario Galaxy 1, the levels are more interesting for sure. But the lack of a story and the much smaller hub is jarring to me.
Mind you, I played (and finished) the first Galaxy over 10 years ago, so I might be looking at all this with rose tinted glasses, but in my opinion the first Galaxy is much better and memorable. This should've been DLC/an additional level pack like it was intended to be.
Though overall, it was an enjoyable experience with some cute and frustrating (Fuck you, spring mushroom and floaty gameplay) moments.

I‘m deaf and this game got no subtitles, which is ass.

i broke my wii u gamepad because of this game