I played this back a few years ago when it first came out and really liked it. Just played a few runs recently and it really holds up. I think almost no other game has combined story and roguelike elements in such a satisfying way for me.

Holy crap they make games this big, what an impressive masterpiece

cute and short, I do love that the game just showers you with achievements for pretty much the entire duration. The music is great and I definitely enjoyed my time with it

So freaking cute, I would die for reggie my sweet sweet rat. The game is quick but satisfying and I really enjoyed the combat

this game had such an emotional impact on me, it is one of the best stories I've experienced in a game! re-playing the game and seeing all the ways that your choices impact the story is so beautiful. I would die for basically any character from this game. also the pronoun and presentation sliders are so cool, I love that they're in the game!

this is so worth the play if you're at all into base building games! applying the rogue-lite formula to a city building and management is genuinely ingenuitive, and the result is very fun to play. I spent a while doing some achievement hunting and got pretty far into the meta progression before feeling like I was satisfied with it.


I really liked this, the story is super engaging. exploring the station and learning about all the crew and their fates was so much fun and the environment was delightful to comb through. I did find the combat a little repetitive towards the end of the game but for the most part enjoyed the survival-horror parts of the game

what a masterpiece, the best game I've ever played. the ending made me full on sob it was so powerful

Great game! beautiful world to explore and I loved the story. It does feel a little tedious towards the end, and the game isn't without bugs or issues but I still had a wonderful time playing.

soundtrack and combat are both amazing, had a lot of fun and it's definitely one of my favorite fps games

Super charming, a joy to explore the world and find all the hidden secrets. Lack of combat depth keeps it from being truly great

So immersive and really fun to play. I became really attached to the characters and thought exploring was amazing. Really top notch experience

Amazing game with more depth and reactivity than perhaps any other game ever. I definitely loved my experience with it. Unfortunately, there were a LOT of bugs and immersion breaking issues with my playthrough that prevent the game from being truly perfect in my eyes.

quick, fun, and beautiful. I found the cult management side of things particularly engaging and tried to make the cult as pretty as possible.

cute as hell, but neither side of the gameplay is very deep. I think the slightly lackluster combat and simplicity of the cult keep the game from being truly great.