I only played the demo when i was a child but it was good enough for me to still think about it to this day every now and then. Music 10/10.

visuals alone this game deserves 5 out of 5 stars. nuff said

Frequent crashing aside, this game is perfect. I loved the impact you make on the Mojave wasteland at the end being a result of various choices you make throughout the game, small and large.

Following years of mostly multiplayer gaming, I believe this was the first single player game I had actually completed all the way through. A couple points that stand out to me years later-
Combat - Despite weapon variety adhering to the time period, gunplay is engaging, as each firearm packs a punch (think Django Unchained shootout scene). Hand to hand combat is also a step up from previous Rockstar titles. Also, it doesn't get much better than hog-tying your enemies and dragging them through the mud, rocks, and dirt as you ride your trusty steed. Combat is by no means a challenge, but it is fun.
Morality System - While simple, it is a nice feature that just makes sense in a game where you play as an outlaw during the tail end of the wild west. It also makes sense when you consider the larger themes the game is conveying.
Story- This game rises above many others through its story and characters. Thanks to the writing, the main characters throughout the narrative are fully realized , compelling, and bounce off of each other well.
NPCs- Realistic and I liked talking shit to them
Vibes- Nothing is cooler than outlaw gunslingers robbing banks and trains, firing off rounds in every direction towards a seemingly endless wave of lawmen, Pinkertons, and rival gangs.
In conclusion, I want to ride a horse (like in Red Dead Redemption 2)

I would have hated this if I had to pay 30 dollars for one level and wait a year and a half for The Phantom Pain. I didn't have to do that so this was great. Hard to believe this came out 10 years ago. It looks and plays great.

This game is so cozy to me

It's mind blowing that this is the FIRST 3D Zelda game. Its so fleshed out you would assume this wasn't their first crack at an open world 3D game, especially for releasing in 1998. In a lot of ways, this is THE Zelda game. It is the pioneer that the rest of the games, even the most recent ones, are still calling back to. The narrative, quirky characters, music, extensive exploration, combat (targeting system and dodging in the first 3D game), and dungeons (except the water temple) are all incredible. This is a coming of age tale where Link's world gets tossed upside down once he becomes an adult. He's burdened with the duty of restoring things to the way they once were, like a lot of us try to do once we realize how messed up the world actually is. And that ending, man...bittersweet to say the least.

Hacking and slashing my way through the depths of hell and back AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHUUUH

Gathering 9 of my friends together to play 5v5 customs on the original house is one of my favorite gaming memories to date. If only I still had 9 friends and house wasnt changed into a mid map

everything is perfect besides the horrible horse riding

This is peace walker ALMOST perfected. I loved this game besides the pacing issues and unresolved storylines in chapter 2. Again, I love the real world history being interwoven with the narrative. The blood diamond trade and child soldiers in Africa as well as the Mujahideen in Afghanistan (reminds me of Boss' sentiment that one day friends will become enemies) help to ground the game and give a point of reference. Moment to moment gameplay is perfected. The game builds tension so well that at times this felt like a horror game and I was genuinely scared. The writing and character progression is really gripping. Kaz is definitely the most compelling character for me. His quest for vengeance is really the driving force for the story and its themes. I loved his progression into this angry and jaded man who is willing to go to extremes to get retribution for what was taken from him, and where he finally ends up once he gets it. He also gives the coolest lines in the game, my favorites being-

"Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my leg... And my arm... even my fingers... The body I've lost... the comrades I've lost... won't stop hurting... It's like they're all still there. You feel it, too, don't you?"

"Still, doesn't feel liike this is over...and I'll never be whole again."

"Cipher sent us to a hell but we are going even deeper. Take back everything that we have lost."

Also the fact that smoking a cigar makes time go by faster is such a funny game mechanic.

This game is so close to being a masterpiece. Such a shame the second chapter isn't fully realized.

I recently learned about The Course of Empire paintings by Thomas Cole in history class. The ending reminded me of that a bit
Beautiful storytelling, character development, and music
Very excited to play remake and rebirth