26 Reviews liked by mynameispizza

Remains one of my favorites of all time so many years later. I'm sure it helps that this was one of the first games I ever owned, but there's still such a zen-like quality to running and jumping around the most beautiful PS1 pastels and polygons while Copeland's perfect score accompanies every moment. Full completion is a breeze and rarely frustrating (Tree Tops aside of course), so much so that you could probably knock out this entire game in a weekend if you wanted.

I'll keep coming back to Spyro until the day I die, you can count on that.

Breaking Bad mas o Walter matou a Skyler e a Holly

How to sequel a franchise properly.

God of War 2 pretty much improves on every aspect of the already perfect first game. The graphics have more details and better light and shadow effects. The score is the best in the franchise. The gameplay is the same but more polished and the story builds up alot of new lore to the series, especially with the whole Titans vs. Gods conflict of the great war.

This is the game though that turned Kratos into the meathead most people know him of. It sure makes sense though, since the gods gave him empty promises and refused to free him from his PTSD. It wents so far that it turned Kratos into an anti hero with some slasher villain characteristics. He uses innocent people as objects to overcome certain obstacles just so he can reach his goal to get revenge on Zeus, despite it being "mostly" possible to find other ways around them.

The story is more or less as good as the first game since its the one that builts alot of new lore as mentioned before. Finding out more about the Gods and Titans was really interesting. Also worth mentioning is that this games story feels the most like a true adventure. Mostly because during Kratos' travel he finds all kind of different people that like him search, or either work for the Sisters of Fate so those that search for them can change their destiny, but of course Kratos can't let that happen.

The gameplay as mentioned before is a lot more polished now. Cyclones of Chaos for example is much better to use than in the original game. You get a lot of more weopon and magic variety and you don't lose your Mana that fast so you can use magic attacks more often. The platforming has been improved and reduced offering more replay value for those that dislike them. Enemy variety has also been increased giving some new and old enemy typed to fight. The game has more boss fights and the one in particular against Lahkesis and Atropus is the best in the franchise. It offers the perfect mix between music, enviromental combat and boobies to witness.

The score and levil design are also the best in the franchise. Exploring the Isle is my favorite piece of music in the game. The levels offer far more variety than in the first game and are far more color friendly.

It's easy to say that this the T2 of video game sequels. Kratos adventure to the sisters of fate is pretty much his most epic adventure and the best in the franchise. It offers the right variety between story telling, fast paced gameplay and puzzle solving.

10/10 3 meter tall goddesses with nude boobie.

Captain Toad Treasure Tracker is a game that surprises me. It took a gameplay segment from 3D World that I wasn't a big fan of and made them good. Now I wouldn't say they were awful in 3D World but there weren't many and they were very basic and easy. It kind of felt like they did it intentionally since you couldn't do them in co-op (On Wii U) so they probably just made them easy so the other 3 didn't get bored of you just being there for a bit.

For the actual game this page is for like I said it takes what it had and made it rather interesting. I like how a lot of it uses elements from 3D World's normal Mario levels and makes it it's own level. Stuff like having a level with the double cherry or having those beat blocks in a level. The game even added this new powerup that is basically a pickaxe version of the hammer from Donkey Kong. I also like the new gameplay of picking up stuff ala Super Mario USA.

Toadette was also added for this adventure though she plays the exact same but it's nice to see her. I also got to compliment the game for even adding new gameplay ideas like trying to make a runaway from this new dragon like enemy or riding a minecart and shoot turnips at enemies or obstacles. There's a lot here to excite a player. There's also not many levels that are too annoying though there's not really any level that will make you think too hard which could also be a good thing but it's up to you.

If there is one big complaint I have with the game, it's got to be this thing where you go up to this wheel and spin with the right stick to move a thing in the environment. I guess should say I think this is a Switch exclusive problem but I'm not positive about that but when you step on these the game puts this image of the wheel that covers most of the screen and it's really annoying. I think they did this if you were playing in handheld mode and could spin with the touch screen but it's still awful to look at. I'm also not a big fan of using gyro for stuff like those touch blocks, at least in 3D World's Switch port I didn't have to use it much but it wasn't the case here.

Also what's the point of lives here? Personally if I was making this game I would just remove them and have the challenge be if you die you lose the gems you collected on that run. 3D World's Switch port also did this but I hate how if you die you just keep the collectibles even if you reset the level manually it lets you keep them. I just feel like it's really not satisfying to get a collectible and then die and have no consequences outside of just spending about 20-60 seconds getting back to where I was.

There's more I could talk about here but I don't wanna drag this review out. As a game I played for free (Thanks to the Online Game Trials thing) it was a good time. There's a lot to like about it even if it's not the most enjoyable thing in the world. Not sure if it's worth $40 but it's a charming game and has a lot of good going for it. Also the Odyssey connection they do in the end was dumb, you don't even play these kind of levels in Odyssey. They like missed the whole point for why it was connected to 3D World in continuity. Oh well I'm not really that mad about it. Also the music is really good I can't believe this is really how the review is ending this is awkward now.

This shit is miserable to play.
I've put nearly 30 hours into this shit and have not had one bit of fun. I love fromsoft weird jank but this isn't it.

Mostly mindless guilty pleasure crafting game. Addictive and simple enough to let me tune out of life for a few hours. I don't often get into the whole crafting genre, they can get pretty tedious and you often need a guide or lots of tutorials. This is super casual on the surface but can get pretty in-depth if you explore all of your options. There's a reason for every upgrade, and they'll all make your game slightly easier if utilized (well, except for maybe eating gems). Occasional pretty standard Zelda-style puzzles here and there that are sometimes challenging.

My biggest issue is that when you do too many actions (such as building a bunch of buildings) the game has ridiculous slowdown. Luckily, if you save and exit and restart the game, the slowdown disappears. Make it a habit of restarting every few hours or so.

This might seem like a deal breaker for some but this is a solo dev game so I let it slide considering. It only lasts around 15-25 hours so I don't feel like I've wasted too much of my life on it.

Basically an optimization sim if you want it to be, but you can also still beat it the sloppy way (it just might take longer).

Trivia Time!

Shigeru Miyamoto stated that the name "Metroid" was chosen in honor of American lawyer Metroid Smith, who defended Nintendo in the Universal City Studios, Inc. v. Nintendo Co., Ltd. case.

During the case, Miyamoto paid Smith a visit, who took Miyamoto on the NYC Metro, and then to a Mets game. The serendipity of these Met-based names left Miyamoto no choice, and the word "Metroid" was trademarked that very afternoon.

While trying to find his way back to his hotel after the baseball game, Miyamoto found himself lost in the metro system, encountering terrifying street performers throughout his journey. This underground exploration would inspire the gameplay of the Metroid series, and the game's bosses would each be based on the most upsetting performers that Miyamoto fled from.

Kraid in particular was based on a large man with a rickety green sousaphone, which shot screws and bolts out whenever the man blew too hard into his instrument.

Stay tuned for more Trivia Time segments in the near future!

I just wrapped this game up the other day for the very first time. I never got to play it on the seventh gen consoles, instead I recently played the rerelease for eight and ninth generation. The visuals of said version were quite impressive (I don't believe there were any changes to the textures of the game but it does run at a higher resolution and 60 fps) which I think really help this game contend with more recent titles. This game is an amazing journey following the impossible and thankless redemption of John Marston as he tries to escape his old life and repent for his sins. The voice acting is top notch, as most Rockstar games feature, Rob Wiethoff (John Marston) has such an iconic and gripping performance. Thanks to Wiethoffs amazing performance and great writing I got to fall in love with Marston, despite all of his previous crimes. This attachment that Rockstar crafts is what makes this game have so much weight as Marston works closer and closer to redeeming himself postponing the inevitability of his fate. For 2010 the gameplay is still great, what we expect from Rockstar titles, things like the "Deadeye" mechanic and their patented "Euphoria" ragdoll physics keep the game fresh and entertaining while still giving weight to your actions. This game was an absolute treat and makes me excited to revisit the prequel. I regret that it took me this long to get to this title but having already played Red Dead Redemption 2 I feel as though I have a great appreciation for this game. 4.5 stars, 90%, A

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fuck why did it have to end this way, fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

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This game is awesome, its art style is beautiful, it controls good, the music is awesome, each level feels different, you can tell this game was made with a lot of love and care.
HOWEVER the hundo for this game is completely miserable, you need to have max hp (this means you have to do every boss without getting hit) and you have to collect 20 red coins and 5 flowers in each level. If you mess one of these up you have to REPLAY THE LEVEL WHILE COLLECTING ALL OF THEM AGAIN. Like if you could just run through the level and get the ones you missed it would be fine but noooo. It is so fucking annoying to have to guess which way is bonus and which is the intended route cuz most of the time the normal way locks you out of going backwards in the level, at a certain point I just gave up and started using rewind. Its not even like hundo is just for cool points or whatever they literally lock levels behind hundoing worlds. If I were to play this game without going for hundo i'm confident it would be much much better. very disappointing tbh cuz I always hear people say this is one of the greatest 2d platformers ever made, and while it may be true if you don't go for hundo, you can't really ignore how horrible going for it is.

Generally kinda average, but a fun enough game that is worth playing if you like Yoshi. Most games in this series are somehow worse than this one. It's all downhill from here.

Miles Morales is nothing mindblowing but it's simply good all around. The swinging feels like a big step up thanks to the animations, which are just stellar. Same thing goes for the combat, I can't get enough of those finishers. Unfortunately the story never reaches the highs of the first game: while the pacing is strong, the writing feels clunky and I never really got to care about any of the characters - plus I actually laughed during the final boss fight because of how terrible the dialogue was, so yeah...

Still, this was a good time and in many ways a perfect Christmas game.

A gripping and thought-provoking game that ingeniously parallels the themes of moral degradation and the psychological toll of war, echoing the essence of Joseph Conrad's "Heart of Darkness" and Francis Ford Coppola's "Apocalypse Now". It delves into the grim realities of conflict and the moral dilemmas faced, providing a deep exploration of choices made in the chaos of battle.

It's exactly what any spidey fan would want in a game. I have my gripes with certain plot points and miles and peter's overall interaction, but in terms of gameplay it's one of the smoothest and most enjoyable experiences of the year.

One other thing, it's pretty ironic how they implemented one of the fastest and most responsive fast travel systems into the one game that most people will not want to fast travel

A slept on gem that truly embraces the fun of comic book adventures.