Will FromSoft ever surpass the raw horniness of this game? Almost certainly not.

Pretty fun when it's humming along but intensely punishing when you miss one shot, lose a party member, wipe the mission, and lose half your gallons.

of all the things video games learned from Portal, I'm glad "you're allowed to be short and to the point" is one of them

Uncomfortably fashy plot and annoyingly difficult-to-follow gameplay. Seems like it could be fine once you get past the surface level annoyance but who has the patience???

This game is so good at mechanically evoking monster horror. It absolutely nails the feeling of crawling through the air ducts, taking out humans one by one, and inspiring terror in the rest.

As a video game, it's lackluster. It bucks Metroidvania conventions in a number of ways that don't work out in its favor, ending up highly linear and not taking nearly enough advantage of what could be very interesting combat puzzles. But it does some really cool stuff and I'm glad I played it through to the end.

the absolute iron balls on this guy to make a game that is fully 50% watching people silently react to things you can't see

I am an absolute sucker for Twin Peaks pastiches and I'm owning it

How can a game have SO MANY BOSSES and yet still have fewer genuinely great boss fights than Bloodborne, a game whose boss fights I thought were tailor made to annoy me in particular?

Inarguably a tighter game than Alan Wake, but honestly part of what makes Alan Wake special is its slightly-janky weirdness.

I was hoping for "Antichamber but with cool combat" and I got more "Bioshock Infinite but with good writing"

you could not possibly make a game that's more My Shit than a mixed media real time sidequest-first anti-RPG with quietly tremendous influence on everything that came after it

I don't like playing Werewolf-likes, and normally I rate games on my personal enjoyment so I was considering giving this a 2.5⭐. Upon consideration though, this is so fun to spectate and so clearly brilliantly designed that I'm breaking form and shooting for a rating of how good it is in the abstract rather than just for me.

Certainly this is a series of actions you can take if you'd like to take some actions

The brilliance of thatgamecompany's works has always been their tight focus on a particular mode of interaction. While Sky clearly comes from the lineage of Flower and Journey, it expands them outwards to support a free-to-play model and an MMO-esque world and in so doing loses the plot of what made them sublime. The result is a messy and often confusing game with multiple currencies and modes of interaction. That said, it's intriguing enough in its messiness that I'm not surprised to have seen it still teeming with players a year after launch.


turns out this dating sim has a pretty compelling action minigame attached