incredible game, super deep combat and story. i love it for a lot of the same reasons that dark souls 1 is my favorite game of all time

never was a huge fan of jrpgs but this one was great

there has always been an argument against videogames saying they cant be true art.

if there was one game that i could force those dickbags (rip roger ebert) to it down and play start to finish, it would be bioshock (and dark souls one).

this game is perfection in every way. deep combat, deep story, compelling character, and ESPECIALLY art style.

so sad that 2K only makes shitty sports games now.

its a call of duty game, so its always gonna be a bit fun. but thats where the good ends with this games. absolutley no innovation, and zombies mode is drastically worse.


not a revolution by any means, but definitely not bad

ive had to sit on reviewing this game, for a few reasons. one of those being that soulsborne is one of my favorite, if not my favorite genre. and this game was one of the more divisive as of recently, but thats another topic.

i really liked elden ring. fromsoft’s jump from linear to open world couldnt have gone much smoother. Elden Ring is a game that defies most aspects of game designs yet does it so wonderfully. one wrong move, and you stumble into a giant golden knight who kills you with an axe. but this never takes away from the game, if anything it adds to it. it also has some of my favorite weapons in the series and issues from old fromsoft games are nearly gone.

obviously this isnt all. if it was, i wouldnt have docked a star. there are some repetitive bosses and movesets, and some parts of the games can be quite annoying at times. but other than that i thoroughly enjoyed elden ring.

near perfect open world, i still find new things about this game that surprise me

it can get tiring after a while but overall very fun


too short to be a 5, if there was more content (free roam and side mission, maybe roaming the outside?) then it would be a goty candidate for sure

one of my favorite stories in gaming for sure