its a shame so many people wont get to experience one of the most philosophically and existentialy deep pieces of art ever made because the cover looks like a snotty 14 yr olds fav anime

Elden Ring, the dark fantasy masterpiece developed by FromSoftware and Hidetaka Miyazaki, has once again expanded its hauntingly beautiful world with the Shadow of the Erdtree expansion. This eagerly anticipated addition takes the already captivating Elden Ring experience to new heights, delivering an engrossing blend of challenging gameplay, atmospheric storytelling, and awe-inspiring landscapes.

One of the standout features of expansion is its seamless integration into the existing Elden Ring universe. The expansion seamlessly weaves new lore into the tapestry of the Lands Between, introducing enigmatic characters, mysterious factions, and ancient secrets waiting to be unearthed. As players delve deeper into the narrative, they'll find themselves drawn into a tale that not only expands the existing lore but also poses new questions, leaving room for speculation and discussion among the Elden Ring community.

In terms of gameplay, Shadow of the Erdtree introduces a host of formidable foes, each with their own unique combat styles and patterns that will keep even the most seasoned Ashen Ones on their toes. From menacing bosses lurking in the shadowy depths to relentless adversaries patrolling cursed landscapes, the expansion maintains the series' reputation for punishing difficulty while rewarding strategic mastery. The addition of new weapons, spells, and abilities provides fresh tactical options for players to experiment with, adding an extra layer of depth to the already robust combat system.

One of the expansion's most visually striking features is its breathtaking environments. From haunting, mist-shrouded swamps to towering, foreboding citadels, each location is meticulously crafted and contributes to the overall sense of atmospheric dread that Elden Ring is known for. The artistry displayed in Shadow of the Erdtree is a testament to the developers' commitment to creating a world that is as hauntingly beautiful as it is perilous.

The expansion also introduces multiplayer enhancements, allowing players to delve into new co-op challenges and competitive modes. The addition of fresh multiplayer content breathes new life into the Elden Ring community, fostering a sense of camaraderie and competition among players as they face the expansion's trials together.

In conclusion, Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree is a stellar addition to an already exceptional game. FromSoftware has once again demonstrated their mastery in crafting an expansion that seamlessly integrates with the core experience while delivering new and exciting challenges for players to overcome. With its engaging narrative, challenging gameplay, and stunning visuals, Shadow of the Erdtree cements Elden Ring's position as a modern classic in the realm of action RPGs.

one of the most bizarre and artsy video games of all time. and it never feels pretentious, its genuinely just telling an incredible story with some of the best art design you can find in the industry. the combat is standard 3rd person survival horror but both saga and alans sides have amazing and creative aspects of the gameplay loop. just a masterpiece

phantom liberty takes everything that makes the base game great and enhances it, telling a political spy thriller centered around 2 key characters who are both complex and written with incredible moral ambiguity and nuance. taking place in a dictatorship on the edge of night city, the map is relatively small in size but uses the setting of slums and destroyed streets to play with verticality and have a massive amount of new content. and obviously, being a cdpr dlc, the side quests are a masterclass. lots of these side quests are better than the main missions in most triple A games.

obviously the main point of comparison for most people will be the witcher 3’s blood & wine, and while this doesnt surpass it in scope, scale or the fantastical setting, phantom liberty does tell a more complex and emotionally resonant story that frequently hits higher highs than anything from it. it hasn’t surpassed blood & wine as the highest standard for all video game expansions, but this is as close as anything will come for a LONG time.

if you enjoy phenomenal writing and world presentation with some of the best fps gameplay in history, you CANNOT skip out on this.

i wouldve given this a 5 stars before i reached phantom liberty, that expansion was just so good it made the base game feel less impactful. but still absolutely incredible from a gameplay standpoint, the writing is phenomenal and the world is by far the best part of it. theres something about this twisted and deranged city where everybody has become so obsessed with altering their bodies that theyre losing who they really are. just really incredible stuff, a big step above 99% of games out there. and the best side quests in gaming

why couldnt the whole game have been this good

peak, or some say peakm... grant us shadow of the erdtree

if only the levels were designed with the combat system more in mind

i absolutely love the small town twin peaks atmosphere. theres a decent concept but it all gets way too wrapped up in being meta and just doesnt translate to a coherent story well. the farm level is amazing but the rest of the game is just lacking in most ways

incredible acting, graphics, art design, cinematography and all of that. story has lots of cool ideas and moments but godawful pacing makes it seem awful. gameplay is great for the standards of this type of game

i got halfway through the campaign then i switched to anniversary and my laptop immediately crashed and now the game wont work.
shits fire tho