One of the greatest FPS games ever made. An incredible campaign with fantastic multiplayer. Near perfection.

Unable to judge multiplayer but the campaign is great. Some very memorable missions and solid gameplay improvements from the previous title. Halo 2 has some low points but overall a very good game.

An interesting release that I played quite a bit of. The Reach multiplayer was a great choice but the map selection for both PvP and PvE is limiting. The campaign still aged poorly, even in 2011.

Can’t review multiplayer but the campaign has aged quite poorly. Beautiful music and great story but unenjoyable level design.

One of the greatest MH games to date. Full of incredible content and really feels complete.

A great game that is both overwhelming and limited by not being its G-Rank version.

It’s the worst MH game. I appreciate it for starting my favorite series but between the terrible controls and limited content, MH1 is not easy to go back to.

Extremely dated controls and hit boxes. While I can appreciate it for what it did for the MH series, it’s very hard to go back to nowadays.

Made nearly obsolete by its successor but still a great game in its own right.

Unfortunately forever without an English port. Arguably the easiest Monster Hunter game to date but chock full of charm. No wonder this is a fan favorite title.

The beginning of my lifelong Monster Hunter journey. While limited in content, the game is arguably the most original in the series. There’s still content only accessible in this game.

A wonderful experience from start to finish. While underwater combat could be frustrating at times, it added a lot of depth to monsters that really aren’t the same without it.

My favorite game on 3DS. The peak of “Old World” Monster Hunter. There’s just nothing quite like it.

My favorite PSP game to date. Insane amounts of content and some dated but very fun gameplay.

Arguably the greatest roster in MH history. Fantastic gameplay changes and swathes of fixes to improve upon the vanilla release.