The best narrative in the ME trilogy unfortunately restrained by clunky gameplay and an empty galaxy. I replay it every time I run through the trilogy but it’s always my least favorite. Still a great game.

My favorite game in the Mass Effect trilogy. I always look forward to ME2 in particular every time I replay the series.

A fantastic game for the first run but nearly impossible for me to get through a second time. A couple very standout bosses and a truly beautiful world unfortunately held back by a lot of unavoidably repeated content and a weak main quest line.

One of my favorite games to date. The best combat I’ve ever experienced and one of the best boss rosters in history. I have replayed this game more than any other and it’s the only game I have both the platinum trophy (PS) and all achievements (Xbox).

Hauntingly beautiful with stand-out gameplay and amazing boss design. My second-favorite modern FromSoft RPG.

Near perfection as far as I’m concerned. Some of the absolute best boss fights I’ve experienced and the true pinnacle of the Dark Souls trilogy. While I prefer Bloodborne and Sekiro, Dark Souls 3 is an experience I will never forget.

My introduction to the Souls series nearly ten years ago. Unfortunately it left little impression compared to the rest of the games and is still the only one I have not even attempted to replay.

Admittedly I was quite disappointed by this game. The atmosphere, music, and art is all soulful and incredible. You can feel the love and care put into this game with every button press. This is unfortunately counteracted by clunky combat, often forgettable boss fights, frustrating level design, and a very weak second half.

I want to love Dark Souls, I just don’t.

A very underrated game. In my opinion, Demon’s Souls surpasses its next two successors in many ways. I was extremely pleasantly surprised by this game.

The best RTS to hit consoles. Great from start to finish, though at times a bit limiting in content.

My favorite Halo game to date. While I would not say it is the peak of Halo PvP, PvE, or campaign, it’s so solidly consistent across all categories that it exceeds the sum of its parts.

A good addition to the Halo series with a very rocky launch. Probably the best gameplay mechanics in the series but a forgettable campaign and a long list of repeated mistakes. Still, I had a lot of fun in my 100+ hours of playing Halo Infinite

The unfortunate low point in the Halo series. Released in a messy and incomplete state with a campaign that feels bad and leaves more questions than answers. The multiplayer had its moments but was ultimately brought down tremendously by loot boxes and trend chasing gameplay.

A very underrated title. Both Spartan Ops and PvP multiplayer are fantastic but the campaign is quite forgettable. Probably the best versions of SWAT and Infection in Halo history.

A beautiful campaign with a decent Firefight mode. The inclusion of (nearly) full Halo 3 multiplayer was a great decision.