102 reviews liked by olink



I can't believe they did it, they made a videogame based on my favorite image on the internet.

I for one do enjoy my dose of surrealism from time to time, I really think that as a form of art and expression, it can give us some of the most interesting looks of our reality and society. But there's surrealism, and then there's just there's just bullshit that happens for no reason, and Kids... it sure did happen, it sure as hell a game that it exists and I played!

But ok, maybe it's a bit too precipitated to call it surrealism, hell, it may be too precipitated to even call it a game. Kids describes itself as an ''Interactive Animation'', but even looking it with those lens it still... I still don't really understand it. There's a clear a message about crowds, peer pressure and even isolation at a young age here, all interesting and powerful themes on their own rights, but the way it's all conveyed just... doesn't work for me. I know very well that for some it did, there are some people that liked this game, but it was impossible for me to see it.

Plug & Play, which still has a lot of problems and I consider it far from perfect, at least it tackled relationships and sexuality in an original yet confusing way, it was far from perfect but it at least it something with those ideas. In Kids things... happen... they happen one, or two, or three times but it doesn't have any strength to it, or maybe they do, for some people did, but not for me... Oh god my head hurts again...

It's impossible for me to call it terrible, 'cause at the end of the day, as so many other reviews here have called it, it's... neat. It's interesting for the first couple of minutes, some moments are simple but interesting, the animation is cool, it's ffffffffffffffffffffffffine. It works, it functions, it’s not a terrible time at all, but despite its brevity it feels to long, and even if does have themes, it didn't really say anything with them.

It sucks that I really can't see the genius that some few people have seen here, and who knows, maybe as time passes, I'll be able to appreciate it a bit more... I don't think that'll be the case, and maybe I'll just forget about it in a few hours.

Who knows...

initially I thought this was going to be some boring card game but I was so wrong. This game is one of the most addicting roguelikes I have ever played. I love the art style, visuals and aesthetic of the game. I really like the feature where you have a chance to make your own cards because you can make them super op. Ultimately, this game made me appreciate card games and it's super fun, that's why it's 5 stars.

A fantastic game brought down a bit by some of the most terribly designed and frustrating boss fights you can find. Truly mind boggling how bad they are compared to how well polished the rest of the game is.

you’ll be having so much fun then boom boss fight with a gun

Oh. That's crack. That's cocaine crack drugs on the Steam top sellers list.

This just felt like a really drawn out version of the fox, chicken, and grain crossing the river puzzle with a somewhat psychedelic artstyle. The bug do be ballin' tho.

feeling blessed on this day.

i like juggling short run-based roguelites/likes with my big games and isaac has for a very long time been my go-to, but i've been playing it a LOT in the last 6 months so i was starting to feel just a bit burned out, and just as i was thinking i'd have to focus solely on the big ass big games, balatro enters my life.

digital crack. there's your review. i'm afraid my yakuza 8 playthrough will actually go on ice because of this, the one that was supposed to be the secondary game when i'm too tired to focus on the primary one.

oh well, it's not like i'm on a time limit here or anything. now then... back to being the jokah, baby. or whatever. release serotonin, please.

A subtle commentary on the socioeconomic and political consequences of the proliferation of the goblin race, and the unfortunate abundance of narrow spaces where they can hide away from sight and solve the problems they face in their daily lives with a sharp knife.

any video game that can establish a distinct atmosphere, setting, cast, and gameplay loop in 15 minutes is a winner in my book.