It was fun to cheat with friends but i couldnt get into the singleplayer gameplay

The art direction in this game is amazing, adorable, unsettling, and unique. The fighting mechanics are alright, and the general game loop / design is unique. Id say most of the individual gaming elements are pretty mid but the atmosphere makes it worth it. Everyday i am regretful that i missed the opportunity to pick up one of the limited edition art books.

I played through every ending of this game. Looking back on it, i think the reason this game was so popular was just because of the shock factor. The game makes mental illness out to be some kind of grand, evil glitch in a persons personality. I dont know how else to describe it.

Its a fun game first time through and the music is good, and theres some unique and interesting plot elements, but its deeply disturbing just for the sake of being disturbing.

If you have ever had a loved one struggle with suicidal ideation or are easily disturbed, just leave this one unplayed.

This game is obviously amazing and is a cultural phenomenon, but its just not for me because the repetitiveness of the gameplay loop got tiring quickly. The game design and characters are perfect otherwise.

I pick up this game when i want to shoot something in a game with no consequences, quickly. Frankly that is one of the only upsides i find to this game. Its fun, but mid in almost every other way.

If you dont mind whacky graphics i would highly recommend playing fallout: new vegas instead of this.

The elephant in the room is that this game is a very weird comparison to the civil rights movement that falls flat, and the creator is a nightmare of a person.

That being said, its a fun game. I cried the first time i played it, and the game presents some extremely lovable characters. DBH is also a true "choices matter" game, with hundreds of real, unique endings. That is important to me, and this was one of my favorite games for a long time for that reason.

Therefore my recommendation is this: If you play this game blind, with low expectations, one time through, you'll be blown away. All the disappointment comes when you try to dig into it further.

Not for everyone, but the people this game is designed for will adore it.

The subtle story going on with the simple cozy game design is very wonderful, its just not for me as i got really bored really fast.

I mean, its certainly very fun and i finished the game, but its kind of embarrassingly unpolished and poorly made for a game from such a large franchise. At the end of the day this is only the first mainline game with a fully open world format, so i predict they are going to keep improving, and the next game will be significantly more polished.

i mean, its Minecraft. Like you know.

The game design / character design in this game is inspiring, adorable, and amazing. The battle systems are extremely fun, and super challenging but not so much that its inaccessible to people who didn't grow up playing games. In general its fun for everyone.

Only note is that there is no mini map, so you have to have a somewhat good memory to not get lost often. Its also hard to put down and pick back up again because of this.

What a beautiful concept for a game, and so wonderfully executed. I recommend playing the remake of the game instead of this one though, now that its out.

This game is the perfect game to play with friends, i cant even recount how many times ive broken down laugh crying over some ridiculous thing someone built.

I think the concept for this game is really interesting and i love the battles being televised and having huge crowds. The character designs are also some of the best in the series (Nessa <3). However, this is the only main series pokemon game i was unable to finish. It was just too repetitive and boring, even for a pokemon game.

I look forward to what gamefreak plans in the future with the open world mechanics.

My first main series pokemon game, so im not qualified to give a unbiased review. But mega evolving is definitely the best battle gimmick to date.

Loved this game when i was 15, can't really say much about it as an adult. EXCEPT that the soundtrack is genuinely the best soundtrack of any game i've ever played in my entire life. It bangs so hard it's unbelievable.