This game grabbed me by the throat and i was completely addicted to it for weeks, the wealth growing mechanic is really enticing. The themes of the story are great but the story itself is only okay.

Aggressively addicting, but gets brain numbing after a couple hours of playing. I wouldn't recommend playing this one a windows PC, in my experience it works 100x cleaner on a M1/M2 chip mac, for some reason?

Addicting and adorable, but can get pretty brain numbing after playing for a couple hours. Despite what people may say, the building mechanics are a nightmare.

Its a simple dating sim to finish in 1-3 days. The dog training mechanic was kind of a pain though and it was slightly boring at times. All in all, good comfy game.

One of my favorite games of all time. Somehow cozy and scary at the same time, its challenging but satisfying. the chase scenes give you an adrenaline rush but are easy enough that you don't get stuck in a death loop. Can finish in 2 days, and fun to play with friends watching. Character designs and lore are both scary and delightful.

Only thing is that you might need to remap some of the controls if you're playing on PC as the slide / crouch function is a pain to reach with the default controls.

I find myself coming back to this game often. It's very simple and repetitive, but for that's exactly what some people are looking for. Massively cozy game.

Fun if you play with easygoing friends, a nightmare if you play with people who will take the game seriously. The combination of the stress and the horror was a bit much for me. But a great concept all together.

I know this is the point of the game, so it will probably be way funner for most people - but for me this anxiety factory was just not worth it for the most part. I may try and play again later.

Very fun, medium high quality dating sim with a cool twist and a good variety of interesting characters, and great art. The dungeon crawler part could have been a lot better, but it wasn't the main part of the game for me so i didn't mind.

Very addicting for the first couple hours, then I gave up and will probably never play it again

somehow it was both unmemorable, and way too short for the content provided. I may enjoy it more on a second playthrough.

Played a dozen hours or so. I wanted to like it so much, but even on a switch it was janky and difficult to control, and the story was painfully boring to me. The creatures are very cute, though.

amazing idea, irritatingly bad execution. The idea alone gives the game 3 stars but it takes so much power to run and is irritatingly difficult to control. The building UI was a pain.

one of my favorite games but not as good as the original. somehow the controls are harder to use and less satisfying? I found this one significantly harder to work through.

Extremely true to the original games and therefore super nostalgic, but i realized that its not really a game i can enjoy as an adult.