This game is amazing and knowing the story of its creation makes it breathtaking.

its addicting but not repetitive, charming, wholesome and comfy but still challenging at times. Theres a little bit of something for everyone, the late game is intensely rewarding because of the unique rewards, creatures, and totally platonic sewer creature roommates you can get.

All in all, its a staple of comfy games, and i recommend anyone try playing it once if you like wealth building games, dating sims, farming sims, or even pet collecting games.

Only critique: it is ALMOST required that you read the wiki in order to play the game "correctly". You can technically figure everything out yourself, it's just kind of impossible to get everything you can out of the game that way.

The art direction in this game is beautiful and the fighting mechanics are genuinely really fun. The lore is interesting.

I really wish i liked this game more, i just hated playing it. It was frustrating and i genuinely found it impossible to get around even with all the maps. The world was just way too big to be without a real minimap or fast travel. It was unplayable for me, so i have to say that i didn't enjoy it.

Played a dozen hours or so. I wanted to like it so much, but even on a switch it was janky and difficult to control, and the story was painfully boring to me. The creatures are very cute, though.

Im kind of speechless on what to say about this game. Its incredible, but i didn't get nearly as many hours on it as i did on the sequel, and i also dropped it before completing it, so theres that.

This is the best looking sims game to date, but the stingyness that EA is having with it really annoys me. It has half as much content in the base game as the sims 3 did, and then they release the rest of the content in very small lackluster expansion packs that cost the same amount as the much bigger packs released for the sims 3. So thats pretty annoying.

I am really happy with the inclusivity in the newer updates though. Good stuff, complicated feelings on this game but generally i like it.

Solid 50/50 on this game. If it hadnt taken out so many features of the first game, with the updated graphics, it mightve been a lot better, but these companies always simplify the hell out of these games so that they can sell more dlc later.

Also the floating quest markers are a real eyesore, and i feel like theres not a lot of freedom.

Couldn't finish the game because the battle system and graphics started to get too irritating for me, but the romance system and the story is one of a kind and i definitely recommend.

Very controversial game, honestly it's one of my favorite in the series.

The shortness of it makes it the only game I managed to fully finish in the series. My biggest critique is that the combat is extremely repetitive and boring compared to either of the other games, and for some reason the game has you fighting "bandits" in the street constantly, which makes me feel weird about the sheer amount of humans i've slaughtered. Doesn't really make sense with the themes of the dragon age series.

Extremely true to the original games and therefore super nostalgic, but i realized that its not really a game i can enjoy as an adult.

Fun if you play with easygoing friends, a nightmare if you play with people who will take the game seriously. The combination of the stress and the horror was a bit much for me. But a great concept all together.

One of those games that are good because they are addictive. In my opinion there are many other games with the same gameplay loop that are more enjoyable, but nonetheless this game is very fun to play with family and friends.

Loved this game when i was 15, can't really say much about it as an adult. EXCEPT that the soundtrack is genuinely the best soundtrack of any game i've ever played in my entire life. It bangs so hard it's unbelievable.

Controversial take but it might be slightly overrated. I tried really hard to play this game for as many hours as i could, but i burnt out significantly faster than i did while playing Dragon Age Inquisition. I really like making characters and interacting with the NPCs, who do have very in depth lore and personality, but the game can drag on at times. Combat can get very repetitive.

Aggressively addicting, but gets brain numbing after a couple hours of playing. I wouldn't recommend playing this one a windows PC, in my experience it works 100x cleaner on a M1/M2 chip mac, for some reason?

Addicting and adorable, but can get pretty brain numbing after playing for a couple hours. Despite what people may say, the building mechanics are a nightmare.