Im kind of speechless on what to say about this game. Its incredible, but i didn't get nearly as many hours on it as i did on the sequel, and i also dropped it before completing it, so theres that.


Im an illustrator. If someone asked me what game i would recommend on the art style / character design alone, it would be Hades. The design is good enough to stand on its own, but along with that its also an addicting and engaging rogue-like that you can pick up and continue playing at any time. AND theres romance elements. Honestly whats not to love.

Classic. I would not be the person i am today without finding this game as a kid.

The art direction in this game is beautiful and the fighting mechanics are genuinely really fun. The lore is interesting.

I really wish i liked this game more, i just hated playing it. It was frustrating and i genuinely found it impossible to get around even with all the maps. The world was just way too big to be without a real minimap or fast travel. It was unplayable for me, so i have to say that i didn't enjoy it.

Probably one of the best games ive ever played, and one of the only ones with funny enough dialogue to consistently make me scoff or cackle out loud, even while alone. I had friends watch me play this and i think that gave me a better experience with it than playing alone as well, since it is so funny.

I think this game would have been a horrible experience for me if i didn't like horses so much. I really liked the hunting mechanics.

Also the multiplayer version is "pay to have fun" unless you randomly find someone whos hacking their arse off and will give you free stuff. (surprisingly common)

Another review said "feels more like a tech demo for portal 2 than its own game" and i think thats a perfect way to describe it. I almost didn't play the second game because of how frustrating this one was, and the lack of story it had. So glad i played the second one though.

One of my favorite games of all time, the way the game makes fun of the player is hilarious, the art is break taking, and the character writing is some of the most realistic and immersive ive ever seen. I genuinely felt a punch to the gut every time i disappointed Kim.

But, i was never able to finish it, and im not sure why. I think because its so immersive, once i stopped playing for a week, i just couldn't bring myself to go back in and try and remember the hundreds of tiny pieces of the story ive already forgotten. I wish there was a more in depth note taking system in game.

In my opinion, this is probably the best pokemon game released to date. And its extremely limited and theres little to do after completing the mainline, which is so disappointing.

Gamefreak just dropped a masterpiece and then abandoned it.

I understand, vaguely, why this game is so overhyped. It has beautiful character designs and some good stories for each of the characters. But the gameplay is mid if im being generous, and its only appeal is the gambling. Its just a money trap.

Seriously though, great character designs. But the game is not for me.

This game is amazing and knowing the story of its creation makes it breathtaking.

its addicting but not repetitive, charming, wholesome and comfy but still challenging at times. Theres a little bit of something for everyone, the late game is intensely rewarding because of the unique rewards, creatures, and totally platonic sewer creature roommates you can get.

All in all, its a staple of comfy games, and i recommend anyone try playing it once if you like wealth building games, dating sims, farming sims, or even pet collecting games.

Only critique: it is ALMOST required that you read the wiki in order to play the game "correctly". You can technically figure everything out yourself, it's just kind of impossible to get everything you can out of the game that way.

So i loved this game as a teenager, but the more RPGs i played, the worse this game seemed.

Dont get me wrong, i had a ton of fun with this game and played probably 50-100 hours before throwing in the towel, but its just not captivating to me. Its like most Bethesda games, painfully mid and uninspired.

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The art of this game is one of a kind and i highly recommend anyone to play this for the first time blind all the way through. its incredible.

That being said, heres the reason it lost 1/2 a star: as soon as the game turned to act2, I lost all interest. I just personally didn't like that style of game, so when it happened unexpectedly i was really disappointed and missed all the mechanics of the original part of the game. I played a couple hours in, realized how much was left, and gave up. It felt like the plot twist simply wasn't made for me, and like i was robbed from continuing act one. It was a huge risk for the game to implement such a massive change in mechanics and style, but thats okay! Thats part of the thing that makes it so special, even if it caused me to fall off.

I still love the game, and will probably try to finish it again soon.

ACNH became a cultural phenomenon because of its release during the pandemic. It evokes a very strong feeling of community and being outside, something that I desperately needed at the time.

However, other animal crossing games undeniably had more personality, and this game felt so clean cut and emotionless in comparison. The villagers all have the same lines as each other with only a couple different personalities for them to choose from, and even the island building mechanics gets tiring after a while. The replay-ability hasn't been amazing for me.

That being said i would definitely recommend this game to anyone who likes wholesome, cozy games. it is iconic for a reason.

Adorable story and art direction with some fun (albeit it occasionally frustrating) puzzles. Definitely recommend to play with your partner.

Only downside is we did get bored after a while and put it down unfinished after only a couple hours of playing, i wish we finished it while we were still interested!