i played this during lockdown, from hours to days, days to weeks and weeks to months until lock down ended and we could all walk outside and then i totally forgot about it. i think about all that time wasted on this game; was i enjoying it or just distracting myself?

i always think to myself, maybe I should get back to playing this game... i spent so much time on it after all and it would be a waste not to complete my island that i had been working on for so long, but the dread of min-maxing my revenue to pay off my debts and hope that the shop provides me with something i can use to decorate my island and to collect all the fish before the season ends and to make sure i water all my flowers and pluck all the weeds and buy all the items so i can save it in my catalogue and to make sure i talk to my villagers everyday and... well the list goes on. this is just busy work to keep me distracted from... um enjoying the game? but is it me that's the issue? maybe i should learn to have fun with this game. but then you realise everything is stuck behind your revenue so you're back at square one.

is this game fun? what does this game even mean to me? who thought doing god damn chores was fun in the first place? this game made me really think about what people enjoy in gaming, and this is one of those anomalies that i never quite understood. this game quite literally distracts you from the real life just so you can do more unnecessary distractions in game. imagine having to earn you dopamine in a game, haha couldn't be me.

i mean lets be real, what else are you to do during lock down anyways? this was released at the perfect time and i was at the perfect age to enjoy it. escapism into a world that is just as stressful as our own, but i was the one creating this stress on myself. maybe that was the point of this game, that life is about consistency and dredging through the mundane in life and hoping to find gold or a little semblance of happiness at the end of the tunnel.

who am i kidding, it looks cute and has cute characters and got baited into thinking this would be a fun game and continued with it out of obligation. hook, line and sinker. nobody enjoys this game, surely? they only think they do lol

finally.. fighting game chess!

lets you skip the execution barrier of fighting games, which seems to be the barrier of entry for most people.
the game is still difficult to get into even as a fighting game enjoyer, you can imagine it'll be worse if you're newer as there's a lot to study/understand before you can even start playing the "yomi" side of things. because of this my only gripe is to maybe add descriptions or properties of each move, it took me a while to figure out that ninja's jump kick is projectile immune! that kind of information is really important to understand why you would use specific moves and to have more intentionality when throwing out something. but i guess it depends on your stance, some may find it fun to experiment and learn as you go, which is heavily encouraged with the trial and error visual predicitons.

regardless, game is fantastic so far considering it's still early access. this game is pure mind games and knowing you've checkmated someone feels so rewarding. just seeing the final outcome of the match in normal speed is orgasmic, even better if you are the winner.
super excited to see the future of this game!

they really did everything right with this game in my opinion, you probably wont find another fighting game that is the whole package like this.
i think it does pretty much everything you could ever ask for in a fighting game in my books; quick casual and competitive matchmaking, super fast rematch times, good netcode, decent tutorials for new universal tools and characters and decent combo trials to dip your feet into, intricate training mode with preset learning tools at your disposal and all the tools you need in a training mode, decently large cast with awesome newcomers that all have slick character designs and playstyles and with dlc just right around the corner; and for the casuals, single player experience worth playing, free form character creation (the game embraces the silliness), a hub area to find games and to socialise/chill, a way to fight other player's single player avatars, fun arcade side modes that prove to be silly fun for newcomers and vets to play around with, modern controls and dynamic controls to allow new players to play to just button mash, single player arcade setups that let you play old capcom titles rotating weekly, clan creation with friends, a super tight aesthetic visually and musically, i could honestly go on and on i haven't even mentioned the competitive scene and it's 1 mil prize pool for FIRST PLACE funded by capcom themselves, even my local scene is popping off with tournaments with 70 people at my last local, what a time to be alive!

i'm no veteran when to comes to fighting games but i have been playing these games for a decent chunk of my life; i think this is the most fun i've had with a fighting game hoenstly. it's complex and unforgiving at times, all of it's tools are not straight forward and seem open ended in design, even neutral and combos are hard because of mostly all timing based, you'll probably have to spend hours and hours just to learn the basics, learning timings and frame data, and just understanding a button or a special's uses. but thats where the brilliance and fun comes in, it's finding answers to these questions in maybe training mode or in games, and applying them in games where it matters and landing them and feeling like a god damn genius when you do.

this game is not easy for new comers upon playing more despite it's push for accessibility, but it makes it easier for new comers to learn and get into while still keeping its complexity which is what i worried the most, it's an incredibly difficult thing to pull off at this level of quality but you've out done yourself capcom.

honest and straight to the point, the perfect sequel! they made an insane and ridiculous game concept and somehow made it 100x better in a years time, improving on literally every single aspect; from the charm and goofiness, the performance, the quality of life, the scope, adding multiplayer, more challenges, collectables, cousins and more things to do and see and experience and enjoy and play and watch and i could literally go on and on and on. these guys really know their audience and i would say they have successfully mastered the art of FUN and what it means to make video games for the sole purpose of enjoyment and to create cool experiences! i would recommend this game to anyone interested in learning how to make fun through gameplay alone, this game transcends culture and language and even gaming itself, it is just a pure and fun and innocent idea. i think about this game A LOT, it's a crazy source of fun even in my imagination, imagining things being rolled up, kinda like how some people imaging like sonic running across buildings on a car ride, (i still do that sometimes), but when i'm just staring at the world i just imagine my little katamari scooping everything up. just ignore all the people, animals, insects, flowers, buildings and everything that i'm rolling up, none of that really matters, just learn to let go and have a little fun sometimes with your mind. i'm so impressed day by day the more this game consumes my thoughts and as the title suggests, we fucking love katamari!

this is more of a self realisation after many years of contemplation whether or not i liked this game. this game was quite literally a turning point in my life, and i remember it like it was yesterday. this is a game that means a lot to me and i've always wondered why. the first time i played this game i was around 13, i climbed the top of the mountain with my friend i made along the way, said my goodbyes spamming notes and the credits rolled as i became a star and flung down the mountain and a beautfiul song played that encapsulated this happy yet melancholic feeling of having something beautiful but knowing i'll never experience something like this ever again, and i cried, but tried to keep it in because my brother was sitting next to me and didn't wanna look like a bitch.. but why did i even cry? what did this game even mean to me? i mean it's literally the most "non-game" game out there. it's a walking simulator with sand surfing, quite literally a journey to the top of the mountain with i guess pretty visuals and you get to do this with a random partner assigned to you with an fitting soundtrack. but honestly, i think that is exactly why i enjoyed this game, i beat myself and tried to downplay the reasons for enjoying it because i was afraid to accept it for what it is and it being a hit to the ego because i attached myself to it. it was a problem with my mindset, that i shut it out telling myself this is pretentious, why would you even like a game like this, this isn't even a game, wheres the gameplay? i realised that despite all that i still loved the game. it helped me realise a few things; understanding your life is limited so you create a goal/journey to create yourself, the random connections that you create along the way who are also following the same journey you are that you cherish, the mysterious-ness and acceptance of our strange existence in this crazy yet beautiful world and the idea that no matter your experience, it will all end so we should make the most of it. life is too short to worry, to be anxious, to be afraid, so what is stopping your from living? this game taught me games can be beautiful and that i love games and unique experiences. it inherently taught me what to live for and sparked my interest for game making. i haven't made a game yet 10 years later but after this realisation i'm going to start and i know i want to make people happy with my creations. i genuinely could go on forever.
i cried because it made me realise a lot of things about myself and i let myself vulnerable in that one moment, it was the first time i felt like i was truly living, and in tragic fashion it was short lived and i shut it down straight away. i only reopened that core memory because i remembered what it was like to live. introspection on lsd is crazy i will say.
note to self: never be afraid to cry again, always let the world know you love it, because the world will never know otherwise.

i always love a game that has a sole focus on it's core mechanic and builds around that, i think this game has a solid idea and executes it well (for what it's worth). it's all i really care for in games nowadays; BUT, do i find this game fun? hmm... i think the real question is, "is addiction fun?" depends on the person but a definite no for me. this game has consumed a good chunk of my day, thinking to myself "just one more time and surely i'll beat my highscore" and 5 hours later i'm still not satisfied. psychologically this game is addicting and satisfying, but holy shit is this a time waster, it feels so unhealthy to play. just getting a hold of it makes me feel dirty and gross but i can't put it down. i can't argue that this game feels incredibly rewarding and satisfying to play, it's up there in game feel and polish, it's just an addicting concept all round. big numbers go up, easy dopamine rush, lose and the desire for that dopamine rush encourages you to continue and the cycle repeats until you've wasted 5 hours. i love/hate this game, leaning towards hate.
don't play it for your own sake, just watch other people play it and live vicariously through them. trust me, you are not missing out

probably my favourite game in a long time. this game is just perfect. coming straight from the previous game they really go above and beyond, the visuals are probably the most beautiful, expressive, zany, mechanically impressive and just overall the best a game can get, the mechanics have been polished super finely that it just feels blissful and pleasant to explore the landscapes speed-run style or at your own pace, and everything else, not any less important has also gotten an upgrade for the better. it's the perfect sequel that does everything right but doesn't exactly do anything new or outlandish besides a few revamped and changed ideas. the gameplay and overall design still feels the same as the first, its like an extension to the first game, which isn't a bad thing but can be seen as a downside to some. you play this game for the crazy, otherworldy sights and ideas and the ultimately insane and fun ride you'll be in for and boy does this game deliver. this game brought back childhood joy of just exploring every single nook and cranny, talking to every single npc that could be talked to and using clairvoyance on everything. one of the few games in a while i've played for myself and not just to have finished. i genuinely enjoyed this game. and any game that has a photo mode is an instant classic for me.

i could go on forever, but to me it's perfect. i had high expectations and it delivered above and beyond. it's best experienced blind, and i'm so glad i did because it made this experience worth remembering. thank you for making such a good game!

its everything i love about maplestory (big numbers and turn off brain combat) without the need to grind weeks of my life! tonnes of replay-ability and non-stop serotonin in short easy bursts.

a relaxing game for an event-less afternoon, couldn't ask for more.

man.. so many thoughts, so many expectations, and barely any fun to be found.

i've been following this game for quite some time, i saw it a few years ago and only late mid last year i followed the man behind the project on twitter, ever since hollow knight i've been keen to see more things from the land down under and its finally time to show the world what australia is made of! show me what you've got.

i'm always cautiously optimistic in general, i always give indie devs especially the benefit of the doubt. pat naoum (the man behind the game) would always upload "his process" to twitter (and maybe other social media but i only follow him through twitter) and to me it seemed very clinical, by the books that the game never really spoke to me but hey if he spent 7-8 years working on this, its gotta mean something right? not only that but i am literally the perfect audience for this game, i grew up playing puzzle platformers, this looks cool enough in my books.

well.. it was a sad struggle to get through this game. i mean no offense when i say this but this game was not fun at all. i really tried to play this game with optimistic eyes but it really doesn't do anything interesting or unique that i see no reason to even finish it, and im sorry to shit on something you've worked on for so long, but if you're reading this pat, what were you doing for those 7-8 years?

the game plays so generic, the physics, the aesthetic, the sounds, the gameplay.. there is no life at all in this game, no passion for gaming. maybe a passion for art, but im not playing this for the art lol. this plays like someone's first unity game with maybe somewhat "interesting" art choices? sure it fits the theme of the game, being handpainted and all, but maybe it wasn't worth it in the end because well, was it really needed to begin with? the main selling point of the game wasn't even that interesting, so what are you left with? a barebones puzzle platformer with little to no soul. all bark no bite.

the only thing i can give pat credit for is that some of the puzzle designs were quite interesting! i did enjoy 2 or 3 puzzles but they were few and far between, it is mostly just mindless running around some soul-less landscape and eventually solving the puzzles just by doing what you're doing, nothing engaging for the most part.

perhaps this game was not designed for me, despite being a puzzle platformer enjoyer? so who exactly was this made for? art fanatics? maybe there was some "deeper meaning" behind the game that i am not getting; "maybe the whole point is that the game is absolutely horse shit because.. maybe the painter had a shit life or something! its meant to convey how shit your life can get but you can still make money off of it if you put your heart to it!" (for legal reasons a joke and i have no malice intent), but you have to actually grab me, get me interested in the game before you can decide to throw this bullshit at my face. im not going to pretend that i understand the game. this game was not fun, not interesting and i didn't finish it. this probably did not need to take 7-8 years to make.

i've got a question for you pat, did you actually play the game? did you think this was going to be fun? were you constantly bombarded with positive reinforcement that you were blinded by the good that you couldn't find the bad in the game? well, i think you might need to get new perspectives. thats starts by playing some games yourself and understanding why you enjoy them or why you hate them. if you get no emotions from playing games, maybe a new path in life may take your further. who did you make this game for anyways? im not saying i could make this, but stardew valley was created in 4.5 years and that game has 100x more content and replay ability, i dont even need to mention other solo indie game devs that have made it big by just creating what they wanted to create.

please don't take this as an insult if you are reading this mr pat naoum. i see you only get positive ratings and positive reinforcement about this game, i legit could not find a single negative thing about this anywhere, so i felt the need to step in and rain on your parade. let this be a wake up call that you disappointed a potential fan. i was really excited for this game :/

spine-chilling and incredibly intense. its a short experience, but with solid world building and scares. definitely worth a check

im impressed how immersive this game is despite the aged looks and the raw movement and gun play. i wasn't expecting to have this much fun with the game, the way the story unravels purely through game play is incredible and something worthy of praise. however the grueling difficulty in some of the later levels can be exhausting and sometimes overstays their welcome.
honestly the game is something everyone should play at some point if you're any bit interested in valve's history. its incredible at the time and even now

its a unique and accessible rhythm game seemingly inspired by rhythm heaven with it's simple yet distinctive rhythmic ideas and single button controls. it's impressive how many different patterns and rhythms can be portrayed through two spinning balls and a path. the music is beautifully tailored to fit each maps and level design and pacing feels natural and is well made. while all these are seem like the perfect recipe for a perfect rhythm game, i unfortunately don't find myself continuing this game past the first few worlds. restarting the whole level upon making a SINGLE mistake becomes more frustrating than it is fun the longer the song is. theres a few problems with this; the flow of gameplay and the song is completely ruined and you're forced to restart the whole level just to get back to the point where you were and other rhythm games (especially the ones it takes inspriation from) do failing in better ways. why not just have lives instead, or better yet just continue the song until the end so i can enjoy the song? you can imagine accidentally making a miss-input or a misread and just like that you're restarting a 3 minute long song that only had 1 measure left. even as an avid rhythm gamer, this just ruins a casual's fun and becomes way too serious where i'm forced to focus 100% of the my brain power all time, and i personally don't find that fun. if you find fun in grinding out songs for long periods and enjoy experiencing fresh and interesting ideas within the rhythm game scene, this game might be worth trying out. it's cheap and full of love and care. unfortunately it isn't for everyone. in short, it's a super frustrating hardcore rhythm game disguised as a cute casual game.


i like to go into games looking for cool, unique experiences that only games as a medium can offer. so by saying that, what's so special about this game? it's an artsy game akin to a short film. it has a beautiful, moody and expressive hand drawn and watercolour aesthetic that captures it's mood's perfectly. the same can be said about the music. the story is simple easily understood and does well for one that doesn't use words. and the scenery is fitting and feeds well into your imagination on the world that you explore.
thats honestly it, i felt a little disappointed when i finished with how much this game leaves to be desired. i really wanted this game to be good, i contemplated writing something nice but i guess i realised how strongly i feel about how disappointed in this game i am. this could have been a short film, an animation, or a picture book even with it's beautiful frames. but a game? maybe not as well suited. telling a story using games should at least have some amount of "gameplay", it's a barebones platformer with auto-pilot puzzles. like maybe the player should be part of the story, this is the only medium that allows the audience to actively control the pace and direction of the story, but this game has little player involvement and little gameplay to go around so at that point was making this a game necessary? i know its bad to go into a game with super high expectations but when people nominate this game of the year it kinda makes it hard.
that being said, i did enjoy this game and it's aesthetics. i think it was sweet and eye candy all the way through, although a bit of a drag and dare i say a bit on the boring side.

for a game this old i'm surprised how fresh this game feels. theres an over abundance of pure fun ideas oozing out of this game, ranging from the tight gameplay, wacky yet fitting characters and amazing set pieces. the deep dives into characters psyche just seems like a perfect concept for a video game, and this game honestly does it perfectly. the visuals are insanely outlandish and crazy looking, for the disgustingly cartoon-y proportions of characters to the other-worldly dreamscapes. every world is a vastly different idea, its refreshing and its a pleasure to explore. the tone and story of this game feels perfect, its a good level of silly and serious when it needs to be. platforming feels nice, its archaic but has a level of raw-ness that leaves room for cool movement tech. the only flaws i feel are sometimes some ideas can overstay their welcome but that seems to be part of the experience. this game is a masterpiece, at the time, and even to this day.

i'm always picky with how choose your own adventure games play out. a lot of the times choices in these games, you pick option either out of obligation or because they seem like the right choice, a lot of the time not feeling like a choice you would actually pick if you were in that situation. this game does choice in a perfect way that feels like i'm driving the story in a personalised way. theres a technical aspect to these kinds of games to make it easily digestible and accessible to your average player while also including a plethora of options to choose from. it's incredible and absolutely impressive how polished, expressive, entertaining and natural this game handled it, and it's all god damn voice acted?? that alone is a feat in itself.
the self insert is so brilliant, there was so much planning done and the insane dedication to creating a story made for "you", the player, its outrageous. sometimes games create a character for you to relate to or create a blank slate character that is carved out throughout the story through your choices. both work perfectly fine within their own contexts, but this game brings both of those concepts together in a flawless and brilliant way. you've lost your memory and thrown into a new world that feels familiar but very different to your own. you can make decisions that make perfect sense within that context, be it chaotic, neutral or overly apologetic. the character that is unknown to the player exists within the game's story if you wish to find out more about him, or you can slowly create this character yourself with your own choices, regardless of the character's history, and it makes sense because he literally doesn't know how he ended up in this situation. you discover the world for the first time, the same way the character does. whats even more insane, even small details like the dialogue trees that you see as options to pick in the game is exactly how the main character views his options to pick from. absolutely genius.
theres way too much to talk about in this game; every npc has a distinct personality and vision that they feel too real, the pleasant ambience to the somber numbers that play throughout are meticulously placed to fit each of the game's moods, the enjoyable mystery that never leaves a stone un-turned, the vivid psychedelic visuals perfectly fit the game's tone and themes, the "aha" moments you'll face throughout each story beat and dialogue trees that feel so genuine, the fact that almost every single playthrough someone can go through will be vastly different from your own, i could literally go on all day.
i would say this is the perfect game besides the long loading times and the controller movement. i can see why this is highly regarded. it's one of a kind, don't miss out