bro i dont even know what to say
if you just want to relax and listen to some music or watch a video on youtube this is the perfect game for you i guess

even someone like me who never enjoyed playing these games can have fun for a few rounds with it
idk the visual presentation is just so fascinating and the atmosphere is extremely dense
+ the animations and little details (for example when the cards start shaking) they've added feel so satisfying

on my second playthrough right now and its crazy how well made mgs v is
i think i will write a complete review in the future but so far i just have to say that this is one of my favourite games of all time
this is a game where every mechanic is deeply layered and has multiple functions for the player
in terms of sounddesign, soundtrack, visuals this game is nothing short but mind boggling
it is without a doubt the best game of 2015 imo and one of the absolute best video games of the last decade

this game suffers from so many problems such as the maps that are just way too big, the low amount of variety when it comes to basically everything
every round i play someone is complaining about a bug via in-game chat
they also removed a proper scoreboard for whatever reason
i also have to mention how they just wasted so much potential when it comes to the natural disasters and the whole climate change setting
theres so much more they could have done but the only thing they really did with it was to create a tornado in some rounds that no one really cares about and thats it
the specialists feel like they have no purpose whatsoever and are just in the game because having specialists/heroes (whatever) is trendy and every online fps has them
there are also a lot of smaller issues but i wont go too much into detail here especially because im certain they will get fixed with the next update
(but just to mention some of them: when cars drive at the start of an round theres absolute chaos and players blow each others vehicle up which is super annoying, the spawn system can be really frustrating as it happens too many times that you'll spawn next to a whole squad just waiting to kill you, etc.)

with all that being said bf 2042 is still the game i play the most at the moment
its a long time ago since i played an online fps and getting better and better and getting kills is just so satisfying that i literally cant stop playing
and there is something to it that halo infinite or any other fps shooter right now doesnt really have
so while i have a lot of complaints about this game and i dont even think that its an good game im grateful that it exists because i have so much fun with this game its insane

shitty game with one of the worst stories in video game history and an even shittier ending
and what the hell was this bullshit after the credits?
am i supposed to be like: "yeah omg ubisoft you are so smart"?
and what is wrong with their lame character writing
all of the female characters give me the impression that ubisoft once READ about women in a book but never actually seen one of them in real life
and the way they treat their trans characters is straight up disrespectful

i really hoped i could like this game more because especially the first 1-2 hours are really fun
i love how they took this concept that you have seen so many times in movies (the most recent one would be palm springs which i didnt really like) and turned it into an artsy experimental game
they also created a small environment in which the game takes place which is a smart choice
thanks to that it doesnt come across as a overly ambitious game that wants to be so much more than it could ever be
i like how you can fuck around with many things in the game and there were many times where i was like "what? you can actually do that?" or "omg hes really commenting on that one stupid thing i wanted to do right now" (for example one of these moments was when i took an item and there were different outcomes depending on where and when i was using it)
i also love the look of this game (shining carpet aside)
just look at the rain covering the windows
it looks great

unfortunately there are many things i dislike about twelve minutes
first of all the well regared voice acting wasnt really all that great imo
willem dafoe is great as usual but daisy ridley and james mcavoy were just alright which isnt necessarily their fault i think its more because of the lame writing
the writing itself i think is a huge issue on its own the game has
for example there is a twist (not going to say what the twist is) and many people dont like it
they seem to dislike the twist because its disgusting or whatever?
but i think the problem here is the lame presentation, that it is kind of unoriginal (there are other stories doing the same thing but a lot better) and the fact that it doesnt work for me on an emotional level
and because it barely even scratches the surface of its heavy subject matter it falls really flat
like the whole thematic is just there to be there
gameplaywise i think it becomes tedious as fuck
one of the reasons is that there is no real "forward option" and this is a huge issue because you get to see the same shit over and over again
(this would give the player a better understanding on how the protagonist feels but the story is not interesting enough to justify this)
twelve minutes also has multiple endings which is a decision i understand because it just makes sense when having a concept like this
but the story it wants to tell doesnt need more then one ending and it should not be as overexplained as it is here

so to summon things up:
- i enjoyed the concept for the first 1-2 hours and you can tell the people who made this game really cared about it
- the visual presentation is very interesting
- i also didnt mention the great soundtrack
- sadly the story with its twist falls very flat
- i didnt emotionally resonate to the characters
- after you realize that in order to reach at least one of the endings you have to do the same things over and over again it loses its appeal

what the fuck is that last act of the game
like there is 0 energy to the whole finale
because after the first three dungeons when it starts to repeat it self it becomes a total mess

im not even kidding the game is like "you you did that? well, now you need that! oh, how you find that? well first of all you have to collect that, then you have to collect this and because im an asshole i let you collect this one as well"
and when you think its finally over and you can get to the final boss the game says "well, i know you did all that shit but 30 hours? thats not enough... how about doing this shit that you did 100 fucking times already again? and then there is a final dungeon that does everything that happened before in worse!"

look, i dont have any connection to this game
this is the first time im playing it and i really enjoyed like the first 15 hours
up until this point it is very flawed (way too easy, bad sense of humor imo, lame and unsympathetic characters which i guess is just normal for these type of games, the upgrade system is boring and shitty) but its still very charming and its easy to immerse yourself in this world
but then it gets worse and worse
i thought the absolute low point of the game is when you have to collect the music notes and i was like "ok it cant get worse than this. this is so fucking bad there is no way they can fuck this up even more" and guess what they did? they fucked it up even more (who could have seen that coming...)

im pretty sure you can tell that im mad as hell right now at this game (if someone will even read this which i highly doubt haha) but i think its justified because this game goes on for way too long and it wastes my time with every second

this game could have been so much better if it was like 10-15 hours
but no... they let you fight the same stupid bosses over and over again, they let you visit the same three places over and over again with minor changes that are like yeah whatever its alright i guess and they let you do the same trials over and over again

its so sad because at first it really seemed like a pretty good 7/10 game but it does so many things that i hate about video games in general
stealing the players time with bullshit fetch quest

easily the worst bioshock imo
the gunplay is even less satisfying than it was before
the exploration is just a joke and repetitive as hell
bioshock infinite also has plasmids that are called vigors and damn they are awful
there are barely any moments where any of them are useful which results in a less creative playstyle (even the previous games had a lot more possibilities even though they were far from being perfect)
but from an visual standpoint its awesome
i just love how the game looks
for most people the story is the best part about this game
i personally think its mediocre at best and sadly doesnt make any sense
still enjoyed it tbh but far from the quality of bioshock 1 and 2

gameplay feels a lot better and smoother than its predeccor
i also had way more fun playing this one
but imo bioshock 1 still has the better story and characters
to summon things up: besides the story its basically the same game but with more enganing gameplay

the first half is pretty amazing even if there are some flaws on the gameplay side
but sadly after that it becomes a total slog
i still appreciate the amazing presentation and visuals
the story is well done with some interesting characters and it has just a lot of moments that make up for an unique experience

this really is a playable action movie
the combat is very simplistic but to be honest thats what i enjoy about it
even though it doesnt come across as a hard game fighting the enemies feels like a struggle for survival
its you versus a whole fucking army
and everything has such a fucked up vibe
for example your weapons can litreally blow up
this game creates a disgusting but beatiful looking world that doesnt care about you
the enemies are way too aggressive at points and immediately know where you are
and sure that is really annoying but it adds up to its destroying nature
the whole malaria thing is just a gimmick and nothing else but it makes you feel like a soldier that has nothing to live for
it shows your mortality in this gruesome world
its an invisible enemy that is always around you
there is a lot i appreciate about this game and is without a doubt the best of its series
but there are also a lot of things i didnt like
why cant you just skip all the bullshit talking
yes its important for the immersion but i dont care about it especially when the npc's constantly shaking there head because of some stupid glitch
the driving is way too repetitive but i like that you really have to plan which route you wanna take
stealthing is basically impossible since the enemies recognize you instantly and is nothing more than left out potential
but the overall experience was pretty great
i recommend you just killing every enemy you see because they really wanna see you dead
most enemies just chase you with a car in order too run you over so just be careful and you wont be as frustrated as most people who hate this game

i've just read on twitter that the evil within is a "silent hill" without the themes (wanna kms...)
this gives me the idea that a lot of people who really dislike this game didn't even play it

it has some moments where the horror is done perfectly and i'd say even better than in the previous games
but damn is this game pretentious
like the second half of it drags on forever
but i do appreciate some of the design choices like the limited inventory or your room where you keep coming
but i hate how the story loses its subtlety really quick, i dont like any of the endings and like i said the second half is where the game becomes a fetch quest

this piece of trash is straight up laughable
the combat is awful, the story lacks in everything the previous games had but there is at least one moment that had decent atmosphere and the bugs make up for some really funny moments

there is one moment in the game where a really peaceful melody plays that made me almost cry
so yeah its everything it needs to be: funny, depressing, inspiring