If this kind of design philosophy and love goes towards cyberpunk 2 then we are in for something special. Its brutal, its fucking depressing. this is the cyberpunk people wanted

this game is phenomenal. it has created a new found interest for fighting games in me

death stranding makes doing mundane tasks the most exhilarating experience.

The PS2 truly allowed creators to make whatever the fuck they want and it paved the way for the most original selection of games ever. That's how you get games as odd as this and god damn I love the weird games

the more you play, the more special it gets.

it was a really special feeling as I finished the second ending of this game. I was just impressed at the sheer ambition of this game. its like living in a pot all your life and then at the end realizing there's a whole new world outside the pot. a massive new layer that's even more complicated and sparks even more curiosity. things you have experienced now need another examining through this new lens you have acquired. with every answer comes two new questions. if this game can require you to print out origami, how far is it willing to go and hide stuff.

weirdly profound. roll roll, roll it all away

dont understand it but its raw

my fav part is looking at the animation and sprites. there's so much soul in these sprites

is it ever truly finished or better question do I ever want it to be over?

i played the web version that's on github. its the perfect game to waste some time