I like how Nintendo has carried on their charmlessness from the Wii U era but now they're making bank so we all have to praise them.

Pulls into the drive-thru orders a single coffee and leaves


Squall wins because he’s way hotter than Cloud. Maybe not as much as Tidus though.

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breaking through the wall with my sword ITS TWIIIIIINK TIME

One of those games I can never get through not due to difficulty but to boredom. Nintendo Moment.


Link gets groomed by a Romani woman. Why are all the sages people who want to bang him?


Not breaking new ground for a platformer but I appreciate the dedication to immersion

It's very unpolished and even the creator considers it a bit cringey but it's a certified flash classic

36 year old game journos admitting to being a big baby bitch.

Mario saves the world from the legacy of racism and an obvious Kefka knock off. There’s also a level called the “Underwhere” Don’t be racist, be like Mario.