someone get sam lake out of the kitchen

I don't like the enemies with guns.

I debate back and forth whether or not I like this or pirate's curse more. I like the change to one single open Metroidvania world when compared to the separate segmented ones of the past. The way transformations work is probably the best in the series with how seamless and fluid they are, but the dances feel a bit lame. There's so many different rooms where you can use them and most of the time there's nothing more than gems that you get out of them.
I found the gameplay balancing to be a a bit out of wack as well. I played on the definitive mode that the game recommends and found the game much, much harder at the beginning. You are starved for healing items and resources, which made the beginning parts a lot more challenging than anything later. But by about 33% through the game I had more than enough money to keep myself capped on all of the healing items.
The progression feels a bit too formulaic as well, with the game constantly switching between having you find x amount of mcguffins and then doing a dungeon and then repeating till the end. That said, I enjoyed the game overall. The world is fun to explore, the powers are interesting and the music is great.

There's a surprising amount to like in this game. The characters and story are interesting enough and the combat is good, however everything else surrounding it is not great.
It's a dungeon crawler where the dungeons you are exploring are the most boring things humanly imaginable, the ones I did were visually indistinct from each other with little to nothing interesting with them. No unique puzzles, hidden things to find or anything to explore. Resource management barely matters and the sidequests are the most banal, soul crushingingly boring thing. (The one interesting sidequest chain is locked behind paid DLC.)

I might come back to this at some point, but as of now there's so many more interesting JRPGs around.

Boomer shooter kino is back on the menu.
Seriously though, this is a fantastic expansion to one of the best boomer shooters out there. Atmosphere and level design is top notch. The soundtrack slaps. It took about 4 hours to beat on a casual playthrough so it's a decent length, can probably easily double that by trying to find secrets. They're pretty hard to find. My one complaint is I think a few of the new enemy types and the final boss are a bit annoying.

I have no qualms with calling this one of the best 2d platformers of all time. Every level oozes creativity, both visually and mechanically, each one with completely banger music to boot. Every level feels completely different from each other, with unique mechanics, enemies, powerups and a few cases, different characters to play with. The game never feels repetitive because it very rarely, if ever reuses any mechanics. This game even gets boss fights in a 2d platformer right.

And in addition to all of that, this game has some of, if not the best movement in any 2d platformer. It's fast-paced and controls well, and if you really want to master the games levels, you will spend hours upon hours trying to get highest ranks on each level, but you are never forced to. You can play the game casually (Which I did because I am bad) and get an thoroughly enjoyable 2d platformer experience, but for people who want a greater challenge, there's so much more to do.

i like the funny potatoes.
it's a good survivor-like (or whatever you want to call the genre of videogames) the mechanics are fun, the characters are interesting and all pretty unique. it lacks some of the meta-progression that other games in the genre have, which might be a bummer to some but i was fine with it. the game is quite addicting with a strong " just one more run" vibe to it, though by the end of completing it with every character I found myself kind of going through the motions. there's lots of different stats, items and weapons that interact with each other in cool ways, but for most characters you can win a run on the default difficulty pretty easily without having to interact with any of the cooler stuff in the game.

Unlike the last game, this one removes the more explict metroidvania approach for a more linear stage based structure, but at the same time the main story still requires you to backtrack to these stages for items to progress, and going back to the older stages just isn't that fun. The bosses are hit and miss, with more leaning on the miss side. The actual level design is good however, and carries the game.

There's also a fair amount of extra modes with different characters and what not, but I personally didn't really mess with any of that stuff, but it's cool that it's there.

It's bland, boring and wholly uninteresting. It's bootleg Chrono Trigger made by people who didn't know why Chrono Trigger is so loved to begin with. The game is technically sound but you can quite literally find more compelling JRPG's made in RPG Maker that cost zero dollars.

This is a loving tribute to all of Final Fantasy as a franchise. The combination of the rhythm game and RPG light mechanics makes for a compelling experience. My one complaint is the DLC is maybe a bit expensive.

If you didn't grow up with this style of game, the controls and fixed camera angles might take a bit of getting used to - but once you do, you're left with one of the best games of this genre.

I enjoyed the mechanics, the overall gameplay and the monster design. I wish the battles had a speedup feature, the story/characters didn't endear me in any meaningful way (i like eugene because he says momentous) and I wish I couldn't beat almost every story boss by abusing a tanky grass type and leech.

It's more wargroove. I like the new mechanics and the level design is better but I can't help but feel the game ends with a wimper and not letting you use the old music for custom content is criminal.

This is what is known as peak videogaming. I don't have a whole lot of nostalgia for the original Resident Evil 4 (I never actually beat it!) but this game is fantastic. It has some of the best third person shooter combat in any game ever. Weapons are satisfying to use with fantastic gunplay, there's a parry system, and each encounter feels meticulously designed to be unique and different from each other. There's some light survival horror elements at play as well with resource management being a key factor throughout the game. In traditional resident evil fashion there's puzzles strewn about the game that are uh... ok? They work, and they are not overly frustrating, but I'm not sure how much they add to the overall game experience. There's a few cool setpiece moments as well that are both bombastic and fun to playthrough, in addition to some fun boss fights. This is a fairly meaty game as well, with a main story that's probably around 15-20 hours, depending on how much you explore - but the game is very, very replayable and it is designed in a way to encourage multiple playthroughs. There's tons of unlockables, higher difficulties and stuff like high ranks to achieve that'll make you want to play the game through multiple times - not to mention just how fun the game is to play.
The story is well, it's Resident Evil. The overall storytelling is slightly more serious than what I remember from the original game, but it's still full of silly one-liners and things of that nature. It's not a particularly great story, but there's some fun moments and it's overall inoffensive.
I do have a few complaints though. I mentioned the puzzles earlier as a minor one. I also think that there's maybe a few too many points of no return, making certain things a little frustrating when trying to get collectibles. And my last complaint is that Capcom released some pretty blatant and obvious pay2win dlc weeks after the game launched. Is the game designed around this dlc? Absolutely not, but if you want to shell out some money you'd definitely save some time in going for 100%, and honestly, it's just the principle of the thing.