Pumpkins as big as your head! Cabbage as big as an airship

it's like an ubisoft game with good atmosphere. it's not bad but it didn't compel me to beat it.

If the sole requirement for a good ARPG was interesting progression systems, this would probably be the best game in the genre. The skill system is cool, the crafting is the best in the genre and all of it provides enough depth without requiring a PHD. Everything else feels decidedly average though. The combat doesn't feel as good as similar games, the story is nonsense and the campaign is both unfinished (despite this being 1.0 and the game having a cosmetic store) and pretty by the numbers overall.

I am going to say the C word. (Clanker.)

Fun, polished and well designed with no bullshit. Just a solid mix of classic Zelda, bullet hell and Metroidvania. I kinda wish the different dungeons had varied colored pallets and a minor problem that probably doesn't affect many but some of the final post game challenges chug hard on a steam deck.

kinda goes hard for no real reason.

kaito is a national treasure.
it's a fun dlc, a bit difficult to recommend at the price they sell it at normally, however.

Tentatively calling this completed while it's in early access. Game is really good and even in this early state probably has more content than the first game.

you need to do a pschopathic amount of random bs to unlock the true final boss. that said, the game is super fun and it's' immensely satisfying to get a super broken build that kills every monster and makes the game lag.

if you are playing pve modify server settings unless you want to become intimately familiar with the iron mines.

Fun, generally well designed fights with the occasional visibility issues. Easily recommendable to people who want an MMO raiding experience without actually wanting to play an MMO.

better than the sum of its parts.
post game goes on a bit too long. (the game did not need a randomly generated endgame dungeon to top it all off)