I have my nitpicks but who cares, it's fun and worthwhile enough April Fool's fanservice for Sonic fans. Amy Rose being a fan of true crime podcasts is a lore detail that was retrospectively obvious, yet brave.

The hottest white rap duo since Insane Clown Posse get down to 3 of the shittiest pop rap songs you may ever hear! Enjoy rhythm games with awful hit detection, simping for the cops, and pouring grape juice on your shirt in this ...unforgettable 15 minute audiovisual experience!

If only there was a way to play Advance Wars over the internet with a welcoming and active community without being restricted by the anti-consumer practices of Nintendo...

A gigantic, influential game created by the passion of one man, I'm glad to say that Cave Story entirely lives up to it's legacy. From the charming characters in a somber world, to the floaty-yet-precise run n' gun gameplay to Pixel's iconic artstyle, to the secrets, to the narrative, to the Balrog; I was completely enthralled in this game from start to finish.

Bluey absolutely CLEARS Peppa and anybody who hasn't babysat preschoolers before wouldn't know. Side note: one time the creators of Bluey hid the names of Dimitri, Edelgard and Claude from Fire Emblem in one of the episodes, which gets a "pretty based" in my book.

PS1 Summer #1
"Soul" is kind of a meme word in games discourse but I don't care, this game is the epitome of SOULFUL; the 2.5d presentation which blends pre-renders and polygons set to a soundtrack with no misses, it's hard not to get sucked into Klonoa's whimsical fantasy world. The core moveset controls naturally and is developed smoothly, it's a blast to snatch guys from the background and use them as a double jump to platform or solve puzzles to.

Gaming's greatest lesbian power couple get strapped to beat Sakuya Izayoi in a short homage to the Time Crisis series. There even looked to be lightgun settings in the option menu, but the game is more than playable with a mouse and the spacebar (it's even got 2P online co-op!).

How a Game Boy game manages to feel extravagant idk, but Mario Land 2 has the series brand of tight platforming, secrets and imaginativeness in spades. Unfortunately, I had the Brentalfloss "with lyrics" cover stuck in the recesses of my brain the entire time I played this.

One of the shining examples of expertly done meta-narrative in games, Talos Principle presents you with different perspectives of historical and modern philosophy in an un-pretentious way as you explore beautiful landscapes of past civilizations, solving puzzles to get tetrominoes to finally solve the mystery of what's at the top of the tower. The main puzzles are appropriately challenging and well paced as you learn the functionality (and occasionally surprising applications) of the tools, but what brings this game from a 9 to a 10 is the addition of non-essential bonus stars in difficult or obscure locations, which often require thinking outside of the box and mastery of the game's engine to reach.

PS1 Summer #2
For being very early on in the 3D era, Air Combat is still fun to control with an assortment of different-feeling real-life planes and varied objectives. Enemies are very hard to hit with normal fire if you're not approaching head-on, thankfully most planes have 60ish homing missiles to use instead.

PS1 Summer #3
I love the small-scale collectathon concept here, and although the movement is tank controls and the game is very easy, its worth a playthrough if you remember this wacky critter from Pizza Tower. In one of the early cutscenes, you can see a picture of (presumably) a dev and his wife flash on the top monitor on one of the news station clips; its always adorable when devs do that.

Pac-Man World 2's movement, jump arc and rev roll moves feel great to use, and the classic Pac-mazes you play after finding the galaga token work great in switching up the pace of the levels. Past the first three worlds though, the levels start including favorites of early 2000's 3D platformers, like sections with ambiguous signposting, unfair deaths, water level autoscrollers with terrible controls, and the entire Clyde's machine bossfight; God forbid you go for all fruits for 100%.

A thriller crime drama v-ish-ual novel by Suda51, where you unravel the facts (and the facts behind the facts) of Kamui Uehara and the Silver Case, told through the perspectives of a self-insert who is assigned to the heinous crimes investigation unit, and a lazy slob of a journalist who really loves his turtle, Red. Even if the gameplay is not very good, I adore the cool as hell presentation and all the unexpected twists and turns the narrative takes while it fires cryptic statements and reveals at you constantly.

Classic Nintendo fun with the lads, especially the Metroid, Mario, Link, Luigi's Mansion and Pikmin multiplayer levels. Unfortunately, Nintendo spent every possible idea they had with the Wii U Gamepad in this one, and spent the rest of this console generation making games which would work exactly the same on the Switch.

An "authentic New York slice" of an indie game; Yo! Noid 2: Enter the Void is a PS1-style 3D platformer with snappy controls, a small-but-well tuned moveset, and levels which consistently present unique platforming setpieces that use all of the Noid's skills to their fullest. Much like Dominoes' 30-minutes-or-less delivery guarantee, Yo! Noid 2 is wonderfully paced and achieves much more than what the meme game with the ANALOG DAB BUTTON would have you believe.