i hate it and we probably played 1000 hours of it

smash bros before it got all overstuffed

you take a barrel full of monkeys and you make it boring

HD version is ugly and bad, but it's still wind waker, so it's pretty good

not as good as mp1, not as bad as mp2

make rainbow road 64 long again. i DEFINITELY have time to go round it three times, hearing the GLORIOUS music. who doesn't want that? i'm not their friend.

i truly believe that this game was made with a single, powerful burst of black magic that can never be replicated. play metroid prime 2 and 3 and tell me i'm wrong.

this manages to feel like a bunch of classic video games all at once, without any of the nonsense we had to put up with 20 years ago. it does things i have wished many other games would do and does them incredibly effectively.

there are two characters in a scene. someone points out an uncomfortable truth. the second character reacts, their every movement and vocalisation dripping wet hot melodrama. before the conversation can continue, something explodes and we are now in control of a party of two different characters. we play as them for an hour. we fight a miniboss. only then do we return to the first duo, who resume their conversation as if it had been a week ago.

i had a good time with this quite bad game. it feels as though they planned for a bunch of different endings and then didn't get around to making any of them.

a bit like starting a new dating sim every 15 minutes