Little Nightmares does a great job of instilling a sense of scale wherein you the player feel puny and powerless. the gloomy atmosphere is pitched really well but there are issues with environmental legibility (at least on my crappy TV). this means you end up redoing sequences over and over to the point that the emotional impact is drained. worse is how inconsistent it can be - spent an evening trying to climb onto something that seemed the obvious route forward, got frustrated, gave up. reloaded the game and it worked first time. i don't know what to call that other than "betrayal".

unlike Resi Evil, which is pretty committed to keeping the action and puzzle sequences separate, Little Nightmares main game-mode is time-limited action-puzzles, which means a lot of the game feels like doing a Crystal Maze challenge. except when the time runs out, you watch a child die and have to try it again.

i liked it but wish it had been technically tighter and less cinematically focused.

perfectly pitched atmosphere, not a jump-scare type horror at all. more an uneasy puzzle game reminiscent of old FromSoft and Myst. I would like to see more of the endings!

this hits so many of the now-ubiquitous zelda beats in superlative ways. i love it so, so much.


i really think this one sucks.

ASTRO'S PLAYROOM is the kind of thing nintendo has been using to beat up everyone else and eat their lunch for decades. this stands with bowser's fury as one of the best recent platformers, and probably the best mascot platformer on a non-nintendo console for 25 years.

remember, never let a mechanically interesting video game get in the way of a bland unlove story.

they really nailed the feeling of batman's movement being hindered by his medically-problematic mammoth dong. he can leap like a puma but can't walk like a man.

the nearest thing to motorstorm: pacific rift on current platforms. it’s ok, there are a lot of weird little choices i don’t understand and don’t like, both in terms of actual game-play and presentation.
-the awful, self-consciously-ironic, annoying-on-purpose podcast interludes [???]
-the music can’t decide whether or not to play during races (not much of an issue thanks to spotify integration on ps5)

the weirdest thing is the local multiplayer. while i greatly appreciate its inclusion (a racing game without local multi is pointless), it’s kind of tacked-on and operates strangely. when player one finishes a race, player 2’s dualsense feedback stops? it seems like someone worked a lot of extended hours to get some kind of local multi in there, but it wasn’t fully integrated.

the dualsense response is phenomenal and i love the feel of the different track surfaces

very well presented, but not enough video game or story and far too much phone-handling.

if i had played this when i was younger then i would be so much cooler today

a floppy, sloppy mishmash of ideas borrowed from other games. the bat boss is the worst boss i have ever experienced.