I can appreciate what this game does, it's well written and it doesn't hold back on mature themes and deals with them really well, but...I'm struggling to finish my first run, because the game simply doesn't grip me enough and I played for a few days already. So I can't imagine myself going back to it for multiple runs as it's intended.

Wow. This was much worse than I remembered.

Somehow I think I mixed up this game with Just Cause in my head.

If this is among the best the Tales of series has to offer, maybe it isn't for me after all.

Been two years since I played this, stopped around the time we have to find for the witch's friend. I plan to finish eventually but I have no idea when I'll get to it. It's just so...bland. The story, the environments, the combat. The story is your standard below average anime fanfare, and the game is desperate to make you care about the characters through constant visual novel style interactions that never quite cut it. It always feel so forced and dull.

The game is ugly as hell. It was released in 2016 and it looks worse than games that were released 10 years ago. And it's not even a matter of graphics, it's that they don't know how to work with them. Everything looks so bland and boring, not only the open areas but the cities as well. It feels like a random mobile game rather than a game published by a big name company.

The combat is...eh. It's fine, it works, but it's just not fun.

panacea for the bearded ones

Horizon Chase Turbo delivers a great sense of speed and control. You're going fast enough that you could get off the rails at any moment, but you never do, as long as you learn the ropes around it, especially how to make curves. There are a few neat tricks to learn too, like making use of someone bumping you to get a boost.

The one thing though, is that a few cars seem too overpowered, especially Minuano and Dustdriver. I thought it might be the handling that's just too good of a stat, but it seems like specific cars are just better to control and usually will make races far easier than others, even if they aren't as fast as other cars.

No. Just no. This is way too hard. No, seriously.

I refuse to believe this was playtested. Ok, I know it was, but just what were they thinking? Almost every design decision taken in this game is abhorrent and nonsensical. Way too many boxes that are extremely boring to go out of your way to complete, artificial difficulty with 'gotchas' almost every 10 seconds, levels are just way too long, and what happened to the Aku Aku creates? Did they just forget that Aku Aku crates were one of the most fun elements of the franchise? There are levels in this game that don't have even ONE Aku Aku crate in it. What the hell?

I wanted to love this game. It's by far the best Crash has ever looked and felt, it's just so satisfying to control Crash, even the gimmicks are a lot of fun, and the visuals are simply gorgeous, and for that I'll give three stars. But it's simply not fun, and ill-designed. I think I stopped having any kind of fun after the second or third dimension, and I kept playing and frustrating myself just because. But I give up, it's just not worth it. I don't feel accomplished or satisfied when I finish a level, I just feel relieved that it's over.

The old Crash games were challenging, but fun. This is just hard, and frustrating and annoying. What could've been the best Crash game ever was just a boring 3d platformer game.

Honestly, if they would just lower the mission requirements (kill x amount of either to complete instead of kill EVERYTHING, or even just kill a specific target) this would've been a fine Sonic game. There's nothing abysmally wrong with it, it's just that the progression system makes it extremely dull to complete.

Man...this is a rough remake.

I've been wanting to play this for a long time. I thought it would be a blast to play a revamped version of games that I played to death back in the day, but...it simply wasn't. It's a competent remake visually speaking and it does feel (almost) exactly like the originals, but maybe its precisely the reason I couldn't get very far into it. It's been years since I felt like playing any of the original Crash games and this remake certainly didn't change that. I played a bit of each game and ended uninstalling it.

There's also a lot of little design decisions, especially sound, that simply put me off. I thought I was nitpicking at first when the locked crates didn't sound nor feel the same as in the original, but when the triceratops didn't even make any roaring sound in Warped...yeah. As I said, rough, which is a word I didn't expect to use to describe the remake of a 20yo game. Feels like the team spent so much time trying to make the game look good with what they had, that they forgot the little details that made those games special.

And of course, there's the issue of they using Warped's mechanics on the other two games. It boggles my mind that such a decision was made.

Honestly, the best that can be said about this remake is how it sparkled a Crash revival.

Man, the loading times really suck. Fun game though.

Difficulty is really, really botched. For AI, Easy is extremely easy. Medium is already very hard for beginners. For challenges in story mode, the difficulty doesn't seem to make a difference, it's still pretty tight nonetheless.

The ramming mechanic is one of the funniest things ever in a open world game. I really wish GTA had something similar, it just makes chase sequences 10 times better.

I wonder how the ps4 version will turn out. Cant be worse than cyberpunk, can it?

Devolver Digital just made a gacha game.
No fucking way.

Decent story, fun exploration. Frustratingly bad stealth system.

A neat little idea that's worth a chortle on paper but in practice lacked any of the charm of the games it tried to evoke. I gave up in the first dungeon.

Genuinely had a lot of fun with this one back in the day. Predatory just like every one of those isometric mobile games, yes, but this one was the only one that felt really fun to play and not just fueled by addiction.