Unmatched stylish presentation and aesthetics combined with one of the most absurd yet gripping narratives in any game I've played. An incredibly intricate story exploring a tangled web of information and lies in a society entirely ruled by technology, where any answers to questions you may receive only open up more questions. Matchmaker and Correctness are both great additions with fantastic new characters, and I loved being able to see the conclusion to Tokio's story in Placebo.
The 25th Ward is supposed to be a functioning utopia, but pulling back the curtain reveals a world controlled through private information and violent force, leading to questions that will only send you infinitely spiraling deeper into darkness. There's so much to say about this game but there's still so much I'm unsure of, and I know I'll keep thinking about this game for months to come.


Extremely unique, dream-like game that actively fucks with you for 10 hours straight. It's clear SUDA knows what he's doing when he's able to make a purposefully obtuse and stupid game this entertaining.

This game is really fucking cool

A much-needed and much-improved continuation of the first chapter. The gameplay can be really frustrating and the pacing is really weird at times, but the characters, story, and world are pretty great. The time spent with Estelle and the rest of the party around Liberl is fun, and the way in which you become familiar with them is done really well with serious attention to detail. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would and will be checking out the third game soon.

Surprisingly fun Game Boy platformer. The music and levels are pretty standard, nothing being that memorable, but the slower pace and incredible amount of secrets make for a more methodical experience than Mario, which I really enjoyed. Play this game with quick save on hand if you don't want to go insane.

Pure, simple fun. Perfect pacing with charming, funny dialogue and world building, and a fun combat system with a surprising amount of depth. This game makes me smile.

Great presentation and gameplay with an incredibly engaging story alongside a mixed bag of new characters and many narrative decisions which leave you wanting more.
It's a descent into barbarity, showing the true costs of revenge and 'justice' by putting you into the shoes of two characters completely absorbed within it, leading to a degradation of relationships, and even a sense of self. This game will beat down the player with depressing event after depressing event, but is always permeated by a sense of hope through the love and relationships which characters share. The ending to this game is incredibly divisive, but I believe it’s the most cathartic and thematically poignant point of the game, finally coming to terms with the past and finally being able to move on, despite all that has been lost.
pretty good go play both of these games

a bit too scary for me, but nice try nintendo

Seriously surprised at how much I ended up enjoying my time with this game, despite how flawed I think it is.
The open world here works quite well for the game, despite how bare bones it is. The exploration is definitely driven solely by looking for pokemon to fill out the dex, and while there's a lot of fun to be had with it for a while, the game feels extremely empty otherwise. With hardly any memorable locations and repetitive scenery, the whole open world kind of blends together and feels very generic. It's a great foundation, but there's clearly a lot of room for improvement on this world design to make the gameplay loop more diverse and interesting.
I also can't help but be put off by the presentation. Some of the fully animated cut scenes in this game genuinely look great, so seeing them contrasted by stiff, robotic npc animations taking place in a world that looks like it's made out of clay definitely puts a bad taste in my mouth. I know I shouldn't expect much from Pokemon games graphically, especially considering the production cycle that this franchise goes through at this point, but seeing the potential that this game has in some of its peaks leaves me wanting more.
However, despite all of my issues with this game I really did have a fun time. It's a lot of fun running around trying to catch every new Pokemon I see, trying my best to fill out my Dex as much as possible. The story and characters are surprisingly engaging and likable, and at the end of the day I'm a Pokemon fan, and this game, alongside Legends Arceus, feel like a great step in the right direction for the series.
If you like Pokemon, go play it.

Take A Dog Out A Walk.
This game sometimes makes my joycons sound like they're going to break but it's an incredibly fun and simple puzzle game with great style and variety, as well as a high skill ceiling that will keep you coming back. I just beat the basic challenge mode, but I know I'll keep coming back for a while to try and get an even better score.

I'm pissed off with myself for never playing this game before now, but also glad that I was able to experience it for the first time in this gorgeous remaster. Great story, fun gameplay, and some of the best presentation and realism I've seen in a game.

OST goes hard but everything about this game was incredibly repetitive and almost wholly unoriginal.

Overall had a great time.
The combat can definitely get stale after a while. Early game experimentation with jobs and trying out different moves eventually just gets phased out by using the same attacks that hit everyone once you get your team figured out. I also don't enjoy how much grinding you need to do to be able to progress the main story at some points.
The story is pretty great in this, even without having played the preceding games. The middle sections lost me for a while, but once you get focused back on the main plot, it really picks up. I was surprised at how emotionally captivated I was by the finale.
Despite some repetitiveness that was really wearing me out by the end of the game, there's a lot to do and a lot of fun to be had.

There are some points in this game where everything really clicks and I get why so many people absolutely love it
Then I am forced to play the mech and treasure levels